Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Focus on Books Guest Author Marsha R. West, New Release--DETERMINED #romantic suspense


FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month

Hello and welcome to FOCUS on BOOKS, the latest series sparked by my love of reading, we will dive into the fascinating, familiar, and new worlds created by authors. Every third Wednesday, join us for a celebration of storytelling—spotlighting books, conversing with guest authors, and sharing my personal reading recommendations.  Giveaways, surprises, and games will add to the fun.

While the purpose of the series is to offer an opportunity for author friends to shout about their books, I am delighted to meet new-to-me authors and discover their books. The best part is introducing writers and sharing their stories with you!

My October guest is Marsha R. West, a talented storyteller and a dear friend from the days when we were both newbies in the writing business. 

Congratulations, Marsha, on your new release, #4 in the Second Chances Series.


My church is service-oriented, and through that work, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about folks experiencing homelessness. I wanted to share some of that info with others. I had a heroine from the second book I wrote (an unpublished one) that I really liked. I pulled her back into my consciousness and set her in the current day, gave her sisters, and used her backstory. She deserved to have her happily ever after. I hope DETERMINED will help folks look with a more open heart for those without a home and decide to get involved.

Thanks so much for hosting me, J. Q. I’d love to chat with your readers. 😊 Marsha

A Second Chance Romantic Suspense
Marsha R. West


Real estate developer Hollister Grant (Holly) and her sisters Lee and Kay are determined to build a tiny home project for people who’ve recently been homeless, but Barrett Armstrong, president of a nearby homeowner association doesn’t want “those people” living near his neighborhood. He will do anything to prevent the land’s development. Anything.

Dan Morgan, Holly’s long-time friend and lawyer, wants to continue to help Holly with the project but sees his feelings for the woman moving past friendship and fears, but because of her past experiences, she isn’t ready for a change in their relationship. And might not ever be. Should he remain silent to maintain their friendship or risk everything for the chance of real love?


Click here to download the eBook from your favorite online bookseller.

Click here to order the paperback.



I’m a retired elementary school principal, a former school board member, theatre arts teacher, and I write Romance, Suspense, and Second Chances. Experience Required novels. I live in Texas with my supportive lawyer husband and Charley, a deaf, Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier. Our two daughters presented us with three delightful grandchildren, all who live nearby and are now teenagers!  

The theme of my eleven books is always second chances. I even named my four-part series The Second Chances Series. I believe in Happily Ever Afters. My husband picked up a plaque for me on one of our several trips to Maine that states my philosophy exactly. Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, it’s not the end. The Heroines and Heroes in my books range in age from 40 to late 50s and their parents and children often play supporting roles.

I am a member of North Texas Romance Writers, Texas Authors Institute, and the WORD BY WORD Blog. I send out a monthly newsletter and give away an e-book to some lucky commenter. I enjoy making presentations to groups, and several times, I’ve taught a Silver Frogs class on Indie Publishing for Texas Christian University. 

My books can be found on AMAZON, B & N, KOBO, and iTunes. Print books are available at Draft 2 Digital and Amazon.

Click here for more information and links to her books on her website 

Click here  to sign up for her  NEWSLETTER  





https://www.twitter.com/Marsharwest  @Marsharwest




Marsha R. West (Author of Vermont Escape) | Goodreads

Marsha R. West Books - BookBub

Amazon Author page https://amzn.to/456bBUy

Trailer Links Marsha R. West books

DETERMINED https://youtu.be/UB40vwfuAHc

TAINTED  https://youtu.be/URl5DnN3w4c

COMPROMISE https://youtu.be/KM0ACQn5Bzs

VULNERABLE https://youtu.be/Q2uaEusbZtI

Thanks for being my guest, Marsha!

* * * 

Perfect for Halloween! Horror story and Ghost story
Click here to download these scary, but fun books to read
on sale for $1.99 at Smashwords through October 31
Also available to download from your favorite digital bookseller
Paperback at amazon and bn.com

JQ Rose

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

IWSG Blog Hop: Remembering Casper the Friendly Ghost #IWSGbloghop


Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop

What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. 
To find out more, click here.
The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns 
without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 

You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. 
Click here to sign up and/or to visit the bloggers this week.

Happy IWSG Day!

Thanks to our awesome co-hosts for the October 2 posting of the IWSG: Nancy Gideon, Jennifer Lane, Jacqui Murray, and Natalie Aguirre!

Looking forward to autumn.

October 2 question - Ghost stories fit right in during this month. What's your favorite classic ghostly tale? Tell us about it and why it sends chills up your spine.

Not all ghosts are scary, though. Personally, I prefer the friendly ones, like Casper. He was one of my favorite characters when I was a kid. I loved watching the theater cartoons that always played before the main movie.

If you haven’t met Casper yet, check out this YouTube video of the sweet ghost who’s always looking for a friend. Sure, I know ghosts are scary. But, instead of screaming and running away, take time to get to know him and you'll realize he won’t send chills up your spine—promise! 


Casper the Friendly Ghost

I love friendly ghosts so much that I included a friendly, but annoying "shadow man" in my cozy mystery, Deadly Undertaking. Have you heard of shadow people? I wasn't familiar with the term until I read an article about it. 

Wikipedia's definition-- A shadow person is the perception of shadow as a living species, a humanoid figure, sometimes interpreted as the presence of a spirit or other entity by believers in the paranormal or supernatural. Wikipedia

Deadly Undertaking
Romantic Suspense

A handsome detective, a shadow man, and a murder victim kill Lauren’s plan for a simple life.

That article sparked the character, Henry, in the romantic suspense novel that takes place in a funeral home.  You can see him on the book cover. He hangs around the funeral home bothering the main character, Lauren Staab, a young woman who returned home to help in the family business, Staab and Blood Funeral Home.

It's a fun story to read and a fun one to write! Have you written ghosts into your stories and books? Please tell us about your supernatural character.

Click here to visit the bloggers participating in the blog hop this month.

Thank you for stopping by today. Have an awesome October 2024!

JQ Rose

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

FOCUS on BOOKS: New Cozy Mystery Release by Susan Bernhardt, Repercussions


FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month

Hello and welcome to FOCUS on BOOKS, the latest series sparked by my love of reading, we will dive into the fascinating, familiar, and new worlds created by authors. Every third Wednesday, join us for a celebration of storytelling—spotlighting books, conversing with guest authors, and sharing my personal reading recommendations.  Giveaways, surprises, and games will add to the fun.

My love of reading sparked the series, FOCUS ON BOOKS. While the purpose is to offer an opportunity for author friends to shout about their books, I am delighted to meet new-to-me authors and discover their books. The best part is introducing writers and sharing their stories with you!

This month, my guest is a dear friend, Susan Bernhardt. We were with the same publisher early in our careers, and we "newbies" have continued to stick together all these years. I was infatuated by her first cozy mystery in the series, The Ginseng Conspiracy. Who knew Wisconsin, which is the location for her stories, is a top provider of Ginseng in the USA?  

I  always look forward to an entertaining read with many twists.  The action takes place in a small town populated with delightful characters and some really rotten villains. However she changes the location when Kay takes her family on a cruise in Paradise Can Be Murder. You know there has to be mystery and murder on the boat!

Congratulations Susan on your new release!

What sparked the idea for your 7th book in the series?

What sparked writing this mystery was to give my followers of this series pure entertainment. Many readers know Kay, Elizabeth, and Deirdre intimately and I wanted to write for them another exciting, thrilling, and fun mystery to read. That's it. There are many surprises in REPERCUSSIONS that will leave the reader with their mouths wide open.

Repercussions by Susan Bernhardt
Cozy mystery--Released September 17

In this edition, readers are taken to Sudbury Falls where Deirdre's tea room becomes an overnight sensation, a favorite go-to place in Sudbury Falls. Her scones are the talk of the town. 

Meanwhile, Elizabeth (Kay's friend) starts seeing copycat murders from her mystery novels everywhere.

Phil (Kay's husband) and his band get a new gig at The Purple Orchid, a dodgy nightclub downtown, where they try out their new drummer to a standing-room-only crowd.

When a murder takes place and there are absolutely no suspects at all, the new Chief of Police, along with Kay and company are stumped. Is this the perfect crime? Will the murder go unsolved?

Yet another humorous and thrilling Kay Driscoll adventure.

Welcome back to Kay's world.

Click here to download the eBook now or order the paperback version from Amazon. 



 Susan's town in northern Wisconsin was an inspiration for the quaint setting of her Kay Driscoll novels. Like Kay Driscoll in her cozy mysteries,

Author Susan Bernhardt
Susan is a retired nurse who volunteered at her local free clinic. She also writes the Irina Curtius mysteries that take place in Manhattan. 

She lives with her husband, William, and has two sons.

An avid reader of mysteries, Susan is a member of Sisters in Crime, Inc. and the Wisconsin Writers Association.



Cozy Mysteries by Susan Bernhardt

Thanks for stopping in today. 

Please share this blog with a reader who enjoys cozy mysteries.

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

IWSG Blog Hop: English Teachers and Me, #IWSGbloghop


Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop

What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. 
To find out more, click here.
The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns 
without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 

You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. 
Click here to sign-up and/or to visit the bloggers this week.

Happy IWSG Day!

Thank you to our awesome co-hosts for the September 4 posting of the IWSG -- Beth Camp, Jean Davis, Yvonne Ventresca, and PJ Colando!


September 4 question - Since it's back to school time, let's talk English class. What's a writing rule you learned in school that messed you up as a writer?

I'm sorry. I have no answer to this question. How boring am I???

I can tell you how many of my teachers encouraged me to write though. Mrs. Prior sent in one of my stories to a children's magazine and the magazine published it. I remember Ms. Oldaker and her red pen. Her input helped me write better. My professor in college wanted me to switch my major from elementary education to English. He had quite a system for writing which I followed exactly in order to get an A in his classes. I did not switch, but I believe subconciously I absorbed that system and use it to this day when writing nonfiction.

I am looking forward to reading bloggers' answers this month. I'm sure they will jog my memories of English class. 
Thank you for stopping in...

Wishing you all a super September!!!

FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month

UPDATE: A new series on the Focused on Story Blog, FOCUS on BOOKS. 

Click here to visit my first guest in the series, Sandra Cox, who kicked off the inaugural event in August.

Join us as we focus on authors and their books. New-to-you authors , best-selling, debut, favorite, and classic authors and any in between will be highlighted every third Wednesday of the month. C ya' here on Wednesday, September 18!


JQ Rose presenting a workshop on telling life stories.

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

FOCUS ON BOOKS: Author Sandra Cox's Mateo's Woman Kicks Off the New Series #focusonbooks

FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month


Today begins a new series on the Focused on Story Blog, FOCUS on BOOKS. Join me as we focus on authors and their books. The authors may be new to you or you have already enjoyed their stories. I love finding new authors to read. You too? 

I spotlight books, interview guests, and share books I have enjoyed reading. You are invited to pop in every third Wednesday of the month. Engage with the authors and readers. Surprises and games will add to the fun.


My honorary "cousin" and fabulous storyteller, Sandra Cox, kicks off the very first posting with her just released Mateo's Woman--Book #3 in the Mateo series, and it's a page-turner!

You may be curious when Sandra and I comment on a post or visit each other's blog we call each other honorary cousins. We met at the Insecure Writers Support Group monthly get-togethers. I finally gathered enough courage to ask her if we might be related because my mother's maiden name is Cox. Turns out, we don't think so. But maybe way back in the ancestry? Who knows? 

I'm so happy I asked her and she didn't laugh or think I was weird. Well, I don't think she did. ???

I began reading her books and, I was hooked on her Westerns. I didn't even consider reading a Western, although my childhood was filled with my beloved cowboy stars, Randolph Scott, Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger movies and TV shows.

Sandra includes all the action of the Old West like cattle drives and bad guys in black hats in her Westerns. But against such a fabulous backdrop, a romance weaves throughout with the main characters you'll cheer on to overcome their conflicts and fall in love.

NOTE--you can find  Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop (IWSG) on the first Wednesday of every month #IWSGbloghop



Mateo's Woman Book #3--Mateo Series
Sandra Cox

BACK OF THE BOOK--Mateo's Woman.

Delilah is dead.

With her demise, everyone should be safe, but something insidious is happening to Mateo’s town and to the woman he loves. People are dying and Blair is changing, taking on mannerisms that are clearly not her own. Becoming a danger to herself and others. He has no idea what is happening to the town’s people but he has an inkling of what is happening to Blair and what he’s thinking just isn’t possible. But whether it’s possible or not, he has to pry Blair from the evil that’s sunk its fangs into her. Now it's a race against time to save the woman he loves and get to the bottom of who is killing Grizzly’s citizenry. And if that’s not enough of a challenge for the shapeshifting sheriff, his future mother-in-law has come for a visit.

Character Facts


Chief Deputy Blair Delaney lately of Grizzly, Montana is a transplant from Atlanta and while she may look like a cover model, she’s a lawbreaker’s worst nightmare.

She loves her rusty, old, backfiring truck Beaulah.

She also loves listening to the Full Moon Band that plays at the Blue Coyote Bar every Wednesday night.



Sandra Cox, Author
Sandra, who also writes as S. Cox, is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband and several cats in sunny North Carolina.

An award-winning author, her stories consist of all things Western and more.

Click Amazon now to order the paperback or download the eBook.



Thank you for dropping by for the inaugural presentation of the FOCUS ON BOOKS SERIES!

Help me celebrate! Just for you--a FREE book of short stories by JQ Rose. DM me on Messenger to request the book. I will send you the PDF for the collection of stories that are not available for sale.

Visit JQ ROSE online

J.Q. Rose blog http://www.jqrose.com/

Facebook http://facebook.com/jqroseauthor

J.Q.’s Substack  https://jqrose.substack.com/


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

IWSG: How I Use AI in my Writing, Girls Succeed Back-to-School Campaign on Now #IWSGbloghop


Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop

What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. 
To find out more, click here.
The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns 
without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 

You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. 
Click here to sign-up and/or to visit the bloggers this week.

Happy IWSG Day!

Thank you to our awesome co-hosts for the August 7 posting of the IWSG: Feather Stone, Kim Lajevardi, Diedre Knight, C. Lee McKenzie, and Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen!

August 7 question - Do you use AI in your writing and if so how? Do you use it for your posts? Incorporate it into your stories? Use it for research? Audio?

I just uploaded a new book cover to Amazon and updated the book description and metadata for my book for middle school girls this weekend. The Big A asked how much AI I used in the book's content. I used Grammarly and MS Editor which are considered AI content. Please let me know if that is incorrect.

UPDATE: I looked up the information about declaring in the book set-up how much AI used. Here is what I found at the KDP guidelines site.--If you created the content yourself, and used AI-based tools to edit, refine, error-check, or otherwise improve that content (whether text or images), you do not need to disclose the use of AI-asssisted content. KDP Help Page

You are not required to disclose AI-assisted content. We distinguish between AI-generated and AI-assisted content as follows:

  • AI-generated: We define AI-generated content as text, images, or translations created by an AI-based tool. If you used an AI-based tool to create the actual content (whether text, images, or translations), it is considered "AI-generated," even if you applied substantial edits afterwards.
  • AI-assisted: If you created the content yourself, and used AI-based tools to edit, refine, error-check, or otherwise improve that content (whether text or images), then it is considered "AI-assisted" and not “AI-generated.” Similarly, if you used an AI-based tool to brainstorm and generate ideas, but ultimately created the text or images yourself, this is also considered "AI-assisted" and not “AI-generated.” It is not necessary to inform us of the use of such tools or processes.

For the first time, I used AI to write my book description. I asked to use casual, enthusiastic, informative styles, and a description for a 10-year-old girl reader.  Yes, four versions. I spent as much time laboring over the AI descriptions as I would have if I had just written my own! 

The first 3 were similar, but the description for the 10-year-old reader was different and fun. I re-wrote the casual one for the paperback book and used the one for the 10-year-old girl in the eBook description.

I always wonder if I should market to the girls or the parents and teachers. (Moms, Dads, and teachers control the cash.) What are your thoughts on this?

I have used AI for ideas/topics for a book. I found it the most helpful in that situation. I do not believe in using AI for creative writing. The words should flow from the heart to the pen not from a robot to the screen.

We all need more positivity in our lives. For me, that positive moment was yesterday when I saw my new book cover for Girls Succeed already on the sales page on Sunday when I had just uploaded it on Saturday! Thanks, Amazon!!  Because of their quick response, I can start my sales for Girls Succeed earlier than I planned! Hooray!!

I visited the A+ content for the book because I had to change the book cover. Hmmm...I thought it would be no problem editing the 4 modules there. But, I was wrong. I cannot get the changes I made saved. But I am not going to let that negative ruin my positive! 

Have you had experience with editing the A+ content on amazon? Please leave a comment below. Thank you.
Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women 
Back-to-School Campaign  August 6-August 17

Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women 
Back-to-School Campaign for Middle School Girls
August 6-August 17

AI book description for the eBook written to attract a 10-year-old girl:

Open Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women, a book that's like a magic window into the future! Duck through the window and join the sixteen amazing women who followed their dreams to become leaders in their chosen careers. They stood on Olympic podiums with medals shining around their necks, found the key to destroying diseases, and even made people laugh until their tummies hurt! Each story is a sparkly gem of wisdom showing you how to keep going even when obstacles look like mountains.

And guess what? There's a fun part of the book just for you! It's packed with cool projects and big ideas about being unique, following your passion, and being a trailblazer. So, whether you dream of cooking up a storm, painting a masterpiece, or being a star in a courtroom, Girls Succeed will take you on the journeys to learn how these amazing women made their dreams come true.


Please share the Girls Succeed! Back-to-School Campaign on your social media. Thank you.

Click here to download the interactive ebook with special back-to-school pricing or order the paperback in color for a young girl in your life.

Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women
Nonfiction, inspiring book for middle school girls

UPDATE: Because I am online here on the blog, on Facebook, and Substack, I will no longer publish the Rose Courier newsletter. Those places give you enough opportunities to keep you up-to-date with me. And as my mom would say, "I don't want to wear out my welcome." Click the links below to visit me online.

Please Click here to be notified when a new article is posted on the J.Q. Rose blog.

Please Click here to follow me on Facebook at J.Q. Rose, Author.

Click here to join me every Thursday at Substack. Substack articles are also Focused on Story, writing, reading, fiction, and non-fiction, writing/sharing life stories, shouting about new releases, and offering tips for writers. In one word,   storytelling!

Focus on Books Guest Author Marsha R. West, New Release--DETERMINED #romantic suspense

  FOCUS ON BOOKS--Join us every third Wednesday of the Month Hello and welcome to  FOCUS on BOOKS, the latest series sparked by my love of r...

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