Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Editing

Sunshine Boulevard, a mystery/horror novella, coming in March 2011.
 Sunshine Boulevard is my debut novel. I am learning about the publishing business with this new experience. Those of you who are writers are well aware of polishing your manuscripts (ms) before submitting to a publisher. But are you aware that just because the pub decides to publish it, you are not done with revising?

The editors at Muse It Up Publlishing are going through my ms with a fine tooth comb. I have a content editor and a line editor. Now that the content editor has finished, she sent the ms on to the line editor. But before making changes the editors always check with the author, thank goodness. Thanks to these two editors, my story is becoming tighter and I must say shorter. LOL..But improved for sure.

I am not through with the editors yet though...I have one more to go through for formatting. I'll let you know how that works out!!

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