Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Promoting and Marketing in the New World of Publishing

Since I invited my dear readers along on a ride into the adventure in publishing, I thought I would update you with my new experiences. Yes, my debut book's release date, March 1, is nearing. I am running as fast as I can to and fro to chat forums, yahoo groups, author websites, and blogging to get the word out and to get my name out. I know my publisher, Muse It Up Publishing, has invested a lot of time and money into publishing my ebook, Sunshine Boulevard, so I want to give them a good return for their effort. Not to mention, I look forward to a rewarding publishing experience.

I began sticking my toe into the pool of promotion and marketing by being a guest on Penny Ehrenkranz' blog in January. I am happy to return the favor by hosting Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz, my first author interview, on February 8. She has a new anthology out, A Past and a Future. The titles and little blurb about each of the sixteen stories really intrigue me. She is also giving a new short story not included in the anthology to a lucky commenter on this blog after her interview.

Please come along with me as I explore and learn about this new world of publishing.


BarbaraB said...

Hi Janet,
I like the look of your blog.
I feel the way you do about MuseItUP Publishing. You're a few months ahead of me in the publishing lineup, and I can hardly wait. I write just for children, so far.
I would like to interview you on my blog, especially since I live in Florida, as I suppose you do.
WOUNDS, coming in September

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Barbara. Isn't the waiting for the release date pure agony? I am up for an interview anytime after March. It would be fun. Let me know the date that's convenient for you. Best wishes on your upcoming release!

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