Sunday, March 20, 2011

50% OFF E-books and Win a FREE Book!

Go to Muse It Up Publishing bookstore to pick out your e-books now!
TODAY SUNDAY MARCH 20TH--Help us celebrate the one year anniversary of
Muse It Up Publishing. Get 50% off all e-books. Happy 1st Birthday Muse!!

Leave a comment on this blog to be eligible to win the drawing for a FREE copy of
Sunshine Boulevard. Contest ends 11:59 pm March 21.

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Recipes 'n Reads: Cookbooks with Old Recipes to Bring Back the Past, Tips on Writing Your Life Story #recipesandreads,#booksale, #RecipesnReads

  Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!  This is my "home" on the web--J.Q. Rose Recipes 'n Reads Series Today marks...

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