Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What IS a Beach Read?

What IS a beach read?
I didn't realize there would be so many questions and fun discussion about the definition of a beach read. I thought everyone knew it would be a fun, entertaining, escape-from-life story to enjoy reading during the relaxing days of summer. (Mmm....I know families with young children don''t exactly have a relaxing summer..LOL).

The first in the Alvarez Family Murder series

Author Heather Haven defined it as
Beach read, plane read, summer read, fun read, easy read, all one to me, Caesar.

BTW Heather's the Lee Alvarez mystery series, Murder is a Family Business and A Wedding to Die For published by Muse It Up Publishing are excellent reads for this summer.

And now it is time for a shameless plug from me because my mystery/light horror e-book, Sunshine Boulevard, fits the definition of beach read.  Okay, you can sigh with relief. I have that plug in and we will move on to more great books for summer reading in the next post.

Please feel free to comment on books you would suggest for a beach read for us! Thank you...or you may get more plugs about Sunshine Boulevard!!  :-)

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