Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Family Camp on Lake Michigan

Lake Michigan shore
Hi Readers,

I haven't posted for awhile because we camped along the shore of Lake Michigan at our church family camp. There is no Internet access. At first I missed not hopping on to check email, Facebook, and favorite blogs. But then I discovered it was rather freeing not to have to do it. By the end of the week, however, I was getting antsy to get back online to "gab" with everyone again.

We had a lot of fun. I'll share a few pictures with you. I wish I had more, but I was enjoying the skies and waters and all the events instead of thinking of toting the camera with me.

Our four grandsons spent four days with us. Love the campfire.
Corbin busted the pinata on Friday morning.
Not all play...Our group split and stacked about 3 cords of wood.
Try climbing these steps up the dune then down to the campground.  The green kayaks were a lot of fun for the kids.
Beautiful woods. It looks very peaceful, serene, eh? Not with four boys...LOL.

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