Monday, November 28, 2011

Recipe: Pat Dale's Date Pudding to Die For

Big Monday morning welcome to Author Pat Dale. Pat advises readers--"If you try this recipe, be prepared for a big tummy ache if you overeat it. I chose this recipe because, don’t you know, misery loves company. LOL" Please leave a comment to be eligible to win Pat's psychological suspense paperback book, Crossed Lines.


Date Pudding to Die For 
1 cup Dromedary dates, chopped                                                   3/4cup walnuts (or pecans), chopped
 2/3 cup brown sugar
 2   eggs
 ½ t  vanilla extract
 ½ cup  flour
 1 t   baking powder (heaping)
1 T   butter
 Pinch of salt

Beat eggs and vanilla, add dates, nuts, and brown sugar. Mix well.
Combine flour, baking powder and salt. Stir into mixture.
Spread into a greased 9X9 glass pan and dot with butter.
Bake @ 325 degrees for 30 min., or when a knife inserted into middle comes out clean.

Serve warm with freshly whipped cream. Warning, portions should be small. This scrumptious dessert will leave you wanting more, but resist temptation.
Recommended serving size: two inch squares. Not recommended: licking the bowl clean. LOL


SLEEPING WITH HER ENEMY, a mid-life romantic suspense novel by Pat Dale.

You’re a woman approaching the big four-oh and you’re all alone. Again. You’d lost your fighter pilot husband to a stupid accident, but you sucked it up and took your young son to a new life in Colorado. Then he’s killed by a hit and run driver and your life turns maudlin. You’re a nurse with a good job in a hospital children’s ward, but your life has lost its meaning. How do you go on? Why do you go on?
Then you meet a man who’d lost his wife to cancer. His daughter is almost the age your son would have been. He likes you and she likes you. You bond and suddenly the world takes on a new glimmer. Your heart beats strong with hope for a better future.
Of course, that’s before you discover that this man may have been the very one who ran over your son. Have you been sleeping with your enemy?

The girl was sitting up, propped by pillows when they stepped into the room. “Hi, Daddy.” She gave him a big smile before turning her eyes questioningly at Ana.
He said, “Hi, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”
“Better. I got pretty sick today but I’m okay now.”
“That’s good, honey. Do you remember Ana?”
She smiled. “Yes, Daddy. It’s my tummy that’s sick, not my head.”
Ana got the embarrassed daddy off the hook, saying, “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Sherry. Did you miss us?”
“I think I was too dizzy to miss much of anything.”
Dan said, “I went over to Ana’s for coffee while they helped you. She has a puppy you’ve got to see.”
“A puppy?” She turned quizzical eyes on Ana. “You have a dog?”
“I do. Her name is Molly and she’s a German Shorthair.”
“Do they get big?”
“Not too big. She weighs about twenty pounds right now but they said she’ll be about forty to fifty full-grown. And she’s really smart, too.”
“Wow. Wish I had a dog, smart or dumb.” Her eyes fixed accusingly on her father. “But I guess we can’t have pets in our house.”
“Oh, yes we can,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about it, sweetheart, and there’s no reason you can’t have a puppy if you want one.”
That brought her to life. Eyes bright and shining, she asked, “Really?”
“Really. I like dogs too, honey. And we’re going to be making some changes at home. I think we need that.”
Sherry turned serious. “Daddy, will I be out of here in time to go to the swim meet this weekend?”
He glanced at Ana, who was shaking her head. “I don’t think so, baby. The doctor wants you to get over this before you get back into the water.”
“But I am over it. Almost. I feel great now.”
Ana watched the struggle of wills between father and daughter, wondering how much the girl had gotten away with over the past couple of years. She remembered her experiences with Joey. Kids seemed to have some kind of surveillance radar that let them know when their parents were vulnerable.

Buy Link for SLEEPING WITH HER ENEMY  available at Muse It Up Publishing.

For more information about Pat Dale and his books, go to Muse It Up Publishing  Also available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.


J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Pat for guesting on the J Q Rose blog. I'm afraid I DID overeat on Thanksgiving, but I am going to try your recipe since my hubby loves dates. Welcome!

Pat Dale said...

You'll love it but don't complain if you can't help eating too much of this wonderful stuff. LOL
Seriously, I want to thank you for inviting me to share with your readership. You have a neat site and it's fun to be here with you.
Pat Dale

Heather Haven said...

Sleeping With Her Enemy, as with all of pat's work, I found to be a fine book, one that takes you away. A great 'snuggling in for the night' read. Recipe looks great, too!

Carlajo said...

That's a recipe just begging for a family get together. Three way pleasure:
1. You get to eat it yourself
2. You get to share it with family
3. You don't have to feel bad about yourself because you ate it all!

J.Q. Rose said...

Great description, Heather, "snuggling in for the night" read--

Carlajo you make 3 great points!

Pat Dale said...

Thanks, all, for the positive comments. I hate to say it but I forgot the final ingredient for the date pudding: whipped cream. You must have the real thing and add a generous dollop of the yummy stuff right on the top of the pudding.
Now back to the keyboard. Too many stories, too little time. Ah, such is life...

Pat McDermott said...

Just what we need, Pat, a rich dessert right after Thanksgiving! But it looks like a keeper. Can't help being reminded of my late father-in-law. My husband's family is of Arabic descent, and when we were dating all those years ago, Dad used to say, "Us Arabs always eat our dates." We all groaned, of course. I enjoyed the excerpt and plan to enjoy the recipe!

J.Q. Rose said...

Carlajo, you are the winner of Pat's book! Congratulations!!

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