Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Smarter Now


Hope you got a giggle from this cartoon sent to me by author Roseanne Dowell. 

This resonates with me because I am getting older and I would say I am smarter now too! Probably smarter because I learned from doing dumb things when I was younger. Learn by experience is one of my favorite sayings. 

I remember when I took piano lessons in grade school. I would really beat myself up when I hit the wrong note. My piano teacher's words of wisdom were always, "It's okay to make the mistake. Just don't repeat it next time." Hopefully I transferred that advice to my life.

It's too bad I can't advise my growing children on living life. Well, I do, IF they ask me. But there are some things in life that one has to experience to learn the lesson. Unfortunately we still often repeat the mistake instead of correcting our course and making a change.

I hope you are remembering how much smarter you are now than when you were a youth. Oh yes, that is one of the positives about getting older. Enjoy it, all you wise women and men! 


Anonymous said...

I'll have to show that Garfield cartoon to my hubby. If that is true, I must be very, very smart!
: )

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

When I try to tell my sons what to do, funny thing, they give me the exact same look I used to give my mother. Go figure.

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