Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gilmore Car Museum - Ridin' Along in My Automobile

The following video brings back the good old days of muscle cars and classics accompanied by Chuck Berry's song, Ridin' Along in My Automobile (No Particular Place to Go)

Do you wanna reminisce? Then take a trip to the Gilmore Car Museum, Hickory Corners, Michigan, near Kalamazoo. What an adventure into the history of cars! We were there for the third time this past weekend. I never tire of it. Visitors now enter through the new heritage center which connects to the old restored barns housing all the historic vehicles. From Ford's model T's, Checker cabs (made in Kalamazoo), Franklin air-cooled cars, muscle cars, classics, racing cars, and more. 

So many captains in the industry are profiled I wish I could remember them all. Did you know the Dodge Brothers who founded the Dodge Company were "real hellions?" Henry Ford failed in his first two attempts to build cars? Henry Ford burned all the scraps of wood from car making and collected the charcoal for sale as the Kingsford Charcoal Company? Electric cars were popular with women at the turn of the 20th century? Kalamazoo is known as the "other motor city?"

Not only the mechanics of the car are on display, but also the pure beauty of design. Cars are works of art. Go visit if you get a chance and you too will learn to appreciate the automobile even more.


Anonymous said...

I'll have to tell my husband and son about the museum. I think it is something they would both enjoy seeing.

J.Q. Rose said...

Only four years late in responding to this comment! So sorry. I just wrote another post on the Gilmore Car Museum that's up on my blog this week.

Susanne--did you make it to the museum?

Joylene--good times cruising through town. We didn't have an A&W, but the original Steak n Shake in Normal, IL is where we cruised to. Now they are a national franchise, but not nearly as greasy or smoky or fun as the original!!

JQ Rose

Steven said...

The principle purpose for this gigantic advancement is the financial progression by Indian government.

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