Friday, December 14, 2012

Another Five Star Review for Girls Succeed

Thrilled to share this 5 star Review on Amazon from Sue's Reviews below:

5.0 out of 5 stars Girls Succeed to become Successful WomenDecember 9, 2012
This review is from: Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women (Kindle Edition)
This book is well written and very informative. If you have a dream you don't think you'll be able to attain I suggest you have a look at this book. It will certainly give you inspiration for your own goals.

The women in this book have all achieved their dreams and are to be applauded for their efforts. All worked hard to get to the level they desired, but some had to work harder than others when life put obstacles in their way. They're not all high flying professional women, their goals range from chef, to minister, to scientist to gold medallist. Do you have dreams? Get inspiration to achieve them from this book.

Smashwords Buy Link


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

In a word: Bravo! That is one great review!

J.Q. Rose said...

I like that one word. Thanks!

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