Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to the World!

The Nativity Scene at Disney World

The angel said, 
"Don't be afraid. 
I'm here to announce a great and joyful event 
that is meant for everybody, worldwide. 
A Savior has just been born in David's town, 
a Savior who is Messiah and Master."
--Luke 2:10 (The Message, the Bible in Contemporary Language)

Merry Christmas greetings to everyone around the world!
Feliz Navidad, 
Gledelig Jul, 
Mele Kalikimaka, 
Joyeux Noel, 
Buon Natale, 
Chook Sung Tan
Il-Milied it-Tajjeb

Jesus brought his message of peace and love to the whole world. Let's spread the word to transform this world into one filled with peace, love, joy, and hope.
God bless you.


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Merry merry Christmas, Janet. Thanks for sharing so much in 2012! Hope 2013 finds you blessed beyond measure!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Janet! I hope you had a great Christmas. : )

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Joylene and Susanne. We had a wonderful Christmas. No snow in FL!! Happy New Year 2013 to you and yours.

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