Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Come and Visit Me at the Children's and Teens' Book Blog

A non-fiction book to inspire and empower girls
Come on over to Cheryl Malandrinos blog featuring books for children and teens, the Children and Teens Book Connection. Cheryl C. Malandrinos is a writer, blogger and book reviewer. Her first Christian children’s book, Little Shepherd, was released by Guardian Angel Publishing in August 2010. Cheryl is a member of the SCBWI. She also writes under the name C. C. Gevry.

The ladies in the book

She interviewed me with questions that made me think and gave me the opportunity to tell readers about my non-fiction book for girls, Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women. Check out the interview, then email me to receive a FREE study guide to accompany the book. C ya' there!!

My email addy is jqrose02 at gmail dot com

The ebook is available at


Meradeth Houston said...

Great interview! I love the concept in this book--it's so important!!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

You do the best interviews, Janet. You're always so interesting.

Recipes 'n Reads: Cookbooks with Old Recipes to Bring Back the Past, Tips on Writing Your Life Story #recipesandreads,#booksale, #RecipesnReads

  Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!  This is my "home" on the web--J.Q. Rose Recipes 'n Reads Series Today marks...

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