Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Walk in My Neighborhood

You can probably tell I am having a severe case of Spring Fever this year. Perhaps it's because spring has taken its time showing up in Michigan, so I really appreciate the mild temps and popping flowers and flowering trees.

This weekend the weather was perfect--for me--so I HAD to get out and capture the spring "feel" as much as I could with a camera. I'm sharing some of the 46 photos I took around my neighborhood. No, not all 46!!

We have a lovely little park near my house, Arboretum Park. The last photos are from that area. The wiildflowers are amazing! I hope you enjoy a little touch of spring courtesy of my camera.

Tulip time in Michigan. In fact this week is the annual Tulip Festival in Holland, MI.

Flowering trees are loaded with blooms this year. Spectacular!

Nothing beats the sweet fragrance of hyacinths. I could smell these beauties way before I saw them!

Wild violets abound at Arboretum Park. I don't care if they DO invade the lawns. They are so delicate and  cute.

You can see how the violets are carpeting the groundscape. 

Not sure what wilflowers these white beauties are. They make you smile when you see them.

Trillium are really putting on a show this spring.

The little creek running through the park is very full, and running fast. So peaceful.

The park is a restful, quiet place to plan another story.

Lots of events happening in May besides Mother's Day and my birthday (watch for a present FROM me to you). We begin a summer long event discovering hobbies of my author friends. Yes, authors are creative in more than just writing stories. Every Thursday I'll introduce you to their pastimes.

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I was outside for 2 hours gardening, well, to be honest I was weeding. And then my back said enough. LOL. My gardens are on a hill.

Beautiful photos.

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