Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hobby Hoedown Explores Back Roads with Author Penny Estelle

Multi-genre author Penny Estelle stops in today with some photos of one of her back road explorations, a hobby she and her husband enjoy. She is also celebrating the release of her third book in the Wickware Sagas, Flash to the Past.

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Hi everybody.  I want to thank JQ for letting me visit with her on her blog today.  What a great idea to find out the different hobbies people are into.

My husband and I have been retired for four years now.  We live in a very rural area.  When I feel restless, anxious, or just plain old bored, I like to pack an ice chest, grab the GPS and the gun, get the dog in the car, and head out to the unknown. 

We have an old Suzuki Samuri, that has been beat to death on these excursions.  We have been all over Arizona, from ghost towns to old mines. 

No, I don't believe this is Penny's car!

Our latest trip was to the ghost town of  Signal, home of the McCracken Mine.

What I understand is it was established in 1877 and was, at one point, a booming town of 800 citizens, until finally petering out 1932.  

Apparently there were problems getting freight to and from the town and shop keepers had to order six months in advance.  Some of us just aren’t that organized!

I write both kids stories and for the adults.  I would love it if you would stop by anytime to check out my stories or just to say “Hi”.  My books and I can be found at:

Take a peek at Penny's latest book releasing tomorrow, Friday, July 19!

Flash to the Past

Historical fiction/time travel
 Can snooty, seventh grader Kristy Sawyer’s day get any worse?  It’s a Monday at Langdon Middle School and first thing in the morning Kristy is sent to see Principal DeWitt. His long, drawn out lecture makes her late for Miss Wickware’s history class. But the worst is when she finds out she is being partnered with nerdy Larry Peables to do an oral report on some historical Molly Picture, or Pincher, or Pitcher. And the report is due tomorrow!

Her plan to bat her eyes and flirt with the little nerd, sure that he will jump at the chance to do whatever she wants, blows up in her face when he flat refuses to do the research.  Her day takes a drastic turn for the worse when she and Larry find themselves in 1778, Trenton, New Jersey.  During their trip back in time, Kristy and Larry come face to face with the British, George Washington, become involved in the Battle of Manmouth, and of course, meet their oral report subject, the famous Molly Pitcher.

She has only Larry to help her figure out why they are there and how are they going to get home.

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Flash to the Past is Book 3 of the Wickware Sagas, and if I can say this outloud, my favorite story.  If all goes well, it will be released tomorrow – July 19! 

There will be five stories all together.  Please visit my author page at MuseItUp Publishing and you can check out all three stories, so far.


J.Q. Rose said...

Congrats, Penny, on your new release due out tomorrow!

Penny's Tales said...

You are a great hostess JQ and this idea, talking about others hobbies, is a winner. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

Unknown said...

How well your picture of the ghost town ties in with your latest title.
Thanks for sharing a real "Flash From The Past" not many of us are privileged to see!

Best of Success,

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi LRS. Your comment sparked an idea to use Penny's photos as writing prompts. They call up all kinds of stories begging to be written! Thanks for stopping by.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Penney, I love the story line of this book. That is not a part of the coutry I'd want to explore on my own. Glad you've got the gun, and I hope extra gas and lots of water. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha, you're right. This looks like rugged country. Penney's an adventurous gal! Thanks for coming over to visit.

Penny's Tales said...

LRS This ghost town was fun to find and check out. My hubby was thrilled to find old square headed nails. I didn't share his enthusiasm though - LOL

Marsha. I wished we had our quads because some of these road our suzuki wouldn't begin to go up.

thanks so much for stopping ladies!

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny, your photos are absolutely fascinating, especially for someone like me, who lives in the industrial north of England. Your photos have helped me picture a wilderness that we just don't have anywhere. It must be so exciting to explore it. Thanks for sharing!

Penny's Tales said...

Thanks Helena. We really have so much fun going all over. Thanks for checking it out!

Anonymous said...

Penny, CONGRATS on your most recent book release! Sounds like it will be a good one.

J.Q. Rose said...

I agree, Susanne. Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

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