Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day, Blog Tour, This Week

Veteran's Day today in the USA. God bless veterans! 

My husband served in the US Air Force. What is it about a uniform that makes you fall in love with a guy? 

On Veteran's Day we honor those who gave their lives in service to our country and say a huge thank you to veterans especially those who served during the VietNam War. During that never-declared war, the military servicemen and women never received the recognition they were due. We will never forget you.

Today I am also thinking of the thousands of people devastated by the history making storm in the Philippines. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

My author friend, Heather Fraser Brainerd invited me to take part in a huge BLOG TOUR this week. You can link back to her page and discover other authors who are participating today. At the end of my interview, I have listed three authors who will be blogging next week. Have fun on the tour!

This BLOG TOUR is where authors answer a series of questions about their writing, sharing their journey with other authors and interested folks.

1. What are you working on right now?
I am working on another mystery novel and having a blast with it. My main character is Lauren Staab. Her family is in the funeral business, the Staab and Blood Funeral Home. They discover a dead body in the garage of the funeral home. Well, I know you are thinking a body in a funeral home, that's not unusual, Janet. But this is the body of a murder victim sprawled on the floor of the garage. Why was he dumped at their funeral home? Well, for sure they do better work than Schultz Funeral Home across town, but doubtful that is the reason. At this point I have so many men in the story, I don't really know which one Lauren is going to choose for romance, but it will be fun watching her make up her mind in the midst of a murder investigation. Stay tuned!

2. How does it differ from other works in its genre?
My family was in the funeral home business. I'm the daughter of a funeral director just like Lauren. Needless to say, I am an insider and I reveal what it's really like living in such a stressful, but fulfilling business. Helping families through such a difficult time is an honor and a privilege.

3. Why do you write what you do?
I enjoy reading mysteries because they are like solving puzzles. When writing I giggle when I leave little hints, whether a red herring or valuable information for readers, for solving the "whodunit" puzzle. Developing well-rounded characters with all their foibles and strengths keeps it interesting. 

4. How does your writing process work?
Before I start the story, I know who my strong heroine will be. The story develops around her. I usually make notes as to what will transpire from the beginning to the end. These notes are not set in stone. As I write, I scratch out some and add others in order to produce the best story line.

Thanks so much for stopping in today. What genres do you like to read and why? Your comments, questions, and waves are always appreciated!

Look for these authors to answer the four questions next week on their blogs.

This Week:
Sunday, November 10--Yesterday I kicked off the first post in MuseItUp Publishing's Mystery and Suspense Week on the MIU blog. I discussed Conflict in Stories. Check in all week to discover great writers and books. You can catch my blog post on the Sunday, Nov. 10 MuseItUp Publishing blog.

Thursday, November 14-- Yee-haw, ya'all. You're invited to visit author Margaret Mendel as she shares her pastime, photography. Beautiful photos indeed! 

Thank you for stopping by. You have a fantastic week!


Miss Mae said...

Wow, Janet, the daughter of a funeral home director! That is so...creepily interesting, to say the least. :) But I am intrigued by your story line, especially now since knowing how authentic it all will be!

And I'm like you regarding my love for mysteries. I'm always a sucker for a jigsaw puzzle and yeah, mysteries are the very best kind of puzzles. :)

Thanks so much for sharing today! :)

Unknown said...

I really like your blog Janet. I can't wait to read your new book. If it scares me enough to stay wake all night again, then it will be another winner! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating in the blog tour, Janet! Love your answers. Your latest mystery sounds fantastic!

J.Q. Rose said...

Miss Mae--"creepily interesting" made me laugh! Thanks for checking in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Unknown aka Helen, Glad you like the blog. Although it takes place in a funeral home, it will not be a horror story. So you'll be safe reading it any time of day. LOL. Thanks for leaving the comment!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for inviting me, Heather! It'll be interesting to see how this kind of tour all plays out. I'm having fun with writing the new mystery, for sure!

Anonymous said...

Great post, JQ. I loved hearing about your new mystery - and love the name of your funeral home :) Humour and intrigue - can't wait for release! Thanks for inviting me to take part in the blog hop. See you next week!

Anonymous said...

Great post, JQ. I loved hearing about your new mystery - and love the name of your funeral home :) Humour and intrigue - can't wait for release! Thanks for inviting me to take part in the blog hop. See you next week!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Helena. I'll be watching next week for your answers to the questions!!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Interesting plot, J Q. Love the character's name. It adds a touch of humor to the story, at least to me. Sounds like a story with lots of suspense and surprises, too. Congratulations and best of luck.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Beverly. There's a lot of potential for surprises for sure!

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