Wednesday, January 8, 2014

IWSG Wednesday: Making a Decision

It's the first Wednesday of the month so it must be time for a post from all the folks in the Insecure Writers Support Group. (IWSG) No, you're not dreaming. It's actually the second Wednesday in January. Being the flexible and creative writers we are, Alex, our fearless and thoughtful leader, scheduled a post on January 8 so we could enjoy the New Year's Day holiday on the first Wednesday. Thank you, Alex!

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

After visiting here, please take time to hop over to other blogs and hear their voices. You can find a list at Alex's IWSG page 

Alex and I suggest you check out the new IWSG Website.  

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Happy New Year and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog! 

Making a Decision 

Feeling very very insecure today. I am choosing a new cover for my non-fiction book for girls, Girls Succeed: Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women, published in October 2012. I am updating all the profiles of the remarkable women I interviewed for the book and adding hyperlinks to their stories.

I'm feeling insecure because I have to decide if it is wise to change the book cover. I feel a different cover will attract more of my target audience. Here is the present cover.

Cover design by Kaytalin Platt
I could change the background color, but I don't know if that would help to attract girls/Moms/Grandmas to the e-book. Here are a few other possibilities. 




If you have any thoughts on this big change, I would appreciate your comment. Thank you.

Oh, and what kind of writer would I be if I didn't promote the e-book? If you have tween girls in your life, Girls Succeed is available at these booksellers. If you are interested in reviewing the book, I'll gift you a copy when I have it updated. Thanks!

If you have a minute, you're invited to visit the Girls Succeed blog that accompanies the e-book. You can take a peek at one of the floats recognizing the trailblazing WWII Women Airforce Service Pilots at the Rose Parade in Pasadena last week. Yes, that's where I was on January 1. It was an amazing event and a fabulous way to begin 2014! 


Lily Whalen said...

Well, I'm not crazy about your original cover. For what it's worth, my choice would be to go with either the blue or green.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Susan. Thank you for stopping by.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

The last one is the most professional and eye-catching. Cool you are updating the inside. That's reason enough to update the cover!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Alex. It's been fun re-visiting the stories in the book. Amazing women who are great role models for girls (and all of us!)

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like the one in blue. But however you go, having that girl jumping in the air is great. Good Luck!
Leanne ( )

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Leanne, Yes, that girl jumping always makes me smile. Thanks for stopping in. BTW, my daughter's name is Lee Ann. Great name!

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