Monday, March 3, 2014

The Super Sweet Blogging Award, This Week, IWSG, Seeds of Inspiration Kickoff, TRR Anniversary Party

THANK YOU to my super sweet friend, Susanne Drazic for nominating me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award! It's a tremendous honor to receive this award. If you aren't familiar with Susanne's blog, you should check it out. Click to discover all of her nominees for this delicious award at her blog, Putting Words Down on Paper 

The Super Sweet Blogging Award

Here are the rules for accepting the Super Sweet Blogging Award:
1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
2. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions.
3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post.
4. Nominate a bakers’s dozen (13) other deserving bloggers.
6. Notify your Super Sweet nominees on their blog.

The Super Sweet Questions:
1. Cookies or Cake?     Cake
2. Chocolate or Vanilla?     Chocolate
3. Favorite Sweet Treat?    Only one? I'll just lump them all together into "anything chocolate." 
4. When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most?     In the evening
5. Sweet Nick Name?     Honey

The Nominees I've Chosen: Click on their names to visit their websites and to congratulate them.

Sue Perkins

# # # #

Another exciting week and month at the J.Q. Rose blog. Come back to win prizes and e-books all month (and all spring) at the Seeds of Inspiration Event featuring the stories of what inspired my guest authors. 

Talented author Heather Fraser Brainerd kicks off the Seeds of Inspiration Event on March 6. A guest author will share her story every Thursday this spring. Get to know your favorite author or learn about a new favorite author and discover some great reads. You could be a winner in the weekly drawing too!

The Romance Reviews Third Anniversary Party has begun! March 1-March 31. Over 450 author and 450 prizes are up for you to win! You can win Coda to Murder on Tuesday,  March 4 by stopping in and playing their Q & A game. Good luck!


Unknown said...

Thank you, JQ! I'm looking forward to Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the nomination JQ! It's very sweet of you, and I'm honoured to accept! :)

Heath Greenis said...

what a great idea. Thanks for thinking of me. Looking forward to having you on my blog April 2

Heather G - The Natasha Saga

Tess Grant said...

Thanks for the nomination, JQ!

J.Q. Rose said...

Me too, Heather B! It will be my first time using a rafflecopter. Let's see how that flies.

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, you are welcome. Sweet is not usually an adjective used to describe me, so this award must be helping, eh?

J.Q. Rose said...

Heather G--looking forward to being there April 2 too! Thanks for stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Tess, you're welcome. Wish I had something sugary from the Koffee Kuppe right now!

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