Thursday, May 29, 2014

It's My Birthday! Celebrate with Me, Giveaways

Welcome to my birthday celebration! I hope you didn't wear your best clothes because we are playing wiffle ball and croquet in the backyard. Corn Hole is set up near the deck. You can't wear your high heels because the ground is so soft from the rain. Oh well, it's okay if you want to go bare foot. The grass is lush and green. 

My daughter, Sara, is serving Texas sheet cake (the official birthday cake) and ice cream on the deck  Be sure to grab the fresh strawberries to garnish your plate. Head on over to the punch bowl for what began the party as Presbyterian punch, but a sneaky guest spiked the punch. Pastor Christine hasn't complained about it though! She and her florist friend, Lacey, have been a big help setting everything up for me. Come to think of it, they made the punch!

My DJ daughter, Lee Ann, is in charge of keeping the party lively with great music. Be sure to request her to play your favorite song. She has everything from the Oldies to Country to Rock. 

Jim and Gloria Hart are here waiting to welcome our friends from Sunshine Boulevard. I am especially anxious to share this beautiful spring day in Michigan with you, my readers.

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Thank you for coming to my party. I hope you didn't bring a present ( but if you did that's okay!) LOL I have gifts for you. Be sure to enter to win prizes after the party. Three winners will be chosen. Deadline to enter is 12:01 Sunday a.m.

The giveaways are:

1. Chocolate!

2. A short story

3. Your choice of an e-book (If you already have my books, then I will send you the first couple chapters of my WIP, a mystery of course, AND when the book is ready for publication, I will send you the ARC)

Here are your choices of books:

Coda to Murder

Pastor Christine Hobbs has been in the pulpit business for over five years. She never imagined herself caring for a flock that includes a pig, a kangaroo, and a murderer. 

Detective Cole Stephens doesn't want the pretty pastor to get away with murdering the church music director. His investigative methods infuriate Christine as much as his deep brown eyes attract her.

Can they find the real killer and build a loving relationship based on trust?

Available at MuseItUp Publishing, and major online booksellers.

Sunshine Boulevard

Mysterious deaths upset the Florida retirement community interfering with their seasonal activities and turning up more than dead bodies.

Available at AmazonBarnes and NobleMuseIt Up Publishingand major online booksellers.

Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women

An interactive e-book filled with dreams and passion to inspire, entertain, and empower girls. Fifteen remarkable career women in a variety of occupations share their stories in these pages.

Explore careers which include women who have discovered cures to stamp out disease, made people laugh, earned Olympic and Paralympic gold medals, and crossed the country in the cab of an 18 wheeler.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, JQ! I'd love to have some Texas sheet cake. I have no idea what that is, but it sounds fabulous! And my favourite birthday dance track is that poppy 80s classic, Bananarama, and Love in the First Degree :)
Wish I were dancing with you, JQ. Have a fun day!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you! What a great party! It's so nice to see Pastor Christine and Lacey again. I've missed them! I haven't met the Harts yet - will have to do that soon. I brought you a bouquet of purple irises from my garden. They're my favorite flower! Have a wonderful day, JQ!!

Cellophane Queen said...

Happy Birthday! I have all your books and chocolate...well, with no will power I try to avoid it.

Have a lovely day.

Leandra Wallace said...

Happy Birthday! Texas sheet cake is amazing, enjoy! =)

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh yeah, Helena, we're rockin' out to the Bananrama song...that's a new one to me. It's a great pahr-tee song! Thanks!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Heather, for those lovely irises. I put them on the cake table to add color and beauty to the festivities. I just hope Helena bee boppin' to her song won't trip and crash into the table and knock them over.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marva, it's a party. There's no calories in the chocolate during a party. You didn't know that? LOL.."Try to avoid it" is the operative phrase here.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Leandra, Amazing Texas cake for sure. I could eat the whole panful. Have more. I made lots of it. Thanks for coming!

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena and those not familiar with Texas sheet cake--the recipe is on my blog. Have a go at making some for your friends and family

Tess Grant said...

Happy Birthday!!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Tess. It's fun to get old if you can have a party doing it. LOL

Unknown said...

Late to the party, J.Q., but wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Is there still time for me to jump into a game of corn hole? That's my favorite backyard game. :)

Leona~Author said...

Happy Birthday, JQ! I love Texas Sheet Cake. It's as close to a brownie as a cake can be. I've made a lot over the years.

I may be deaf now, but I still remember Fats Domino singing Blueberry Hill. I choose that song.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Katie, the corn hole competition is fierce. It seems a lot of folks like it, including me!! You weren't late. Party ends at midnight tonight!! Now do you prefer the red or blue bean bags?

J.Q. Rose said...

Okay, Leona. When I stop by your house, I'll give you warning so you can have a Texas cake for us!! LOL.
I remember Blueberry Hill. I'm trying to remember another person singing it too. Patti Page?

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