Monday, May 5, 2014

Liebster Award, This Week, and Giveaway

liebster award
Who me? I won the Liebster award again? Amazing. The Liebster Award is given from one blogger to another just because they enjoy the content and personality of that particular blogger and they want to spotlight the blog for more readers to discover. Pretty cool idea. 

Heather Brainerd, a real fanatic for all things Disney, honored me today with the award from her Disney blog, Disney for Five+. I love visiting Disney World too. If you are thinking about it or just curious about the world of Disney, then take a trip over to Heather's jam-packed blog full of information and stories about the land of the most famous mouse in the world.

Now, the rules say that
  • I have to link back to the blogger who nominated me. That's easy--Thank you Disney for Five+
  • answer the questions given to me by the nominating blogger--Heather only gave me 3 questions to answer. (Click the link to discover her answers. Question #1 --Coke or Pepsi?--Diet Coke and Question #2--What are you doing today in another universe, if parallel universes actually exist? Let's see--scratching my head--I am probably an award-winning journalist investigating the latest crime by the mob. Of course, I will find evidence that will provide police all they need to lock up the bad guys! 
  • and choose more bloggers to nominate. Here is my list of bloggers to nominate and if they want to play along they can answer the two previous questions and one from me--Question #3--Choose a character in your latest story and tell us how he/she is similar or not similar to you.  In Coda to Murder, my main character is Pastor Christine Hobbs. She is similar to me because we share the same values, but I would never, ever begin to investigate a murder with the help of my best friend. No way! She's a lot braver and more determined than I could ever be--or perhaps she was a bit foolish for playing detective? The cute detective with the gorgeous brown eyes was NOT happy with the two women meddling in the investigation.

Here is my list of bloggers I enjoy reading. I bet you will too. Check them out.

Alex J. Cavanaugh--This guy has more irons in the fire and tons of enthusiasm for writers and is the founder of the Insecure Writers Support Group.

This Week:

Wednesday, May 7--The first Wednesday of the month is the date I join the many bloggers in the Insecure Writers Support Group who write posts on their own writing problems and many bloggers offer help and encouragement.  Join us on Wednesday and join the group too! It's lots of fun and a major method of learning about writing and meeting new authors/writers.

Thursday, May 8--YA Author Katie Carroll comes to visit AND she's giving away her paranormal, fantasy book, Elixir Bound. Come back to discover who inspired Katie to be a writer.


Unknown said...

Love your answers, JQ! I can totally see you taking down the mob!

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL--yeah in a parallel universe, Heather!!

Leona~Author said...

Nice post, JQ. Sometimes I feel like I live in a parallel universe.

My blog has been sadly neglected. I'm going to try and get it fixed.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, JQ! I've received it before, so I will just graciously say thank you.
As far as the third question, my main character, Byron, shares my perfectionist habits.

J.Q. Rose said...

Leona, to tell the truth I like writing my blogs better than writing fiction. Shhh--don't tell anybody. I hear pro and con on how much they actually help your writing career. Nobody knows anyway. It's a lot of fun to visit each other. Yes, put something up on your blog so I can leave a comment there for you. Thanks for stopping in today!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Alex, You're very welcome. You should be recognized for all you do for authors. I gave up my perfectionist tendencies at age 12, I thought. They do creep in once in awhile, but try not to give in. Thanks for stopping by.

Unknown said...

Thanks, J.Q. I was nominated recently for this award and added a shout-out to you in my post. Here's the link for anyone who wants to check it out. :)

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