Monday, May 12, 2014

Me and My Mustang Cruisin' Into Spring, This Week, Giveaway

Finally! Yesterday I had the chance to drive the old Mustang with the top down for the first time this year! It was a beautiful day in Michigan. Tulips are blooming, the flowering trees are having a contest for who can dazzle the spectators with the most blooms. It would be hard to choose a winner.

Since I have spring fever I'm sharing a few shots of tulips with you. Hope you have time to take a minute to relax and enjoy this season of the year. The spring flowers don't stay long.

Don't these lovely blooms just make you smile? I hope so.

Gardener Ted's hobby greenhouse is getting packed full. Waiting for some warm sun and dryness before he can plant the wet garden. He has managed to put out the onion sets and the peas and carrot tops are just breaking the surface in the garden.

The rule is to plant potatoes on Good Friday. He did. But not in the garden. He put the eyes of the potatoes in pots in the greenhouse. First time he's ever done that!!

Looking forward to some good eating. Please leave a comment if you are a gardener or have gardened or are planning to be a gardener. AND, we are always looking for helpful gardening tips.

This Week:
Thursday, May 15--Susan Bernhardt visits the Seeds of Inspiration Spring Event. Come back to discover what inspires her and to win a copy of her e-book,


Anonymous said...

Always plant potatoes on the dark of the moon. Got to, because as one of southern writer, Lewis Grizzard's book is titled, "Don't Bend Over in the Garden, Granny. You Know Them Taters Got Eyes"!!

Now THAT'S a good gardening tip, heh heh.

Leandra Wallace said...

Lovely flowers! My tulips have already flowered and gone the way of the dodo. =) My father-in-law is an avid gardener, and always goes on and on about his delicious tomatoes(yuck), which he knows I can't stand, lol!

Tess Grant said...

You're going to have to drive fast to get between all the raindrops!

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh, Nosey, You are always full of such wisdom!! Cackling.

J.Q. Rose said...

Leandra, I am the same way about tomatoes. There's something about the texture of a fresh tomato.My DH likes to eat them right off the bush. yuck...I don't mind ketchup and spaghetti sauce tho. How 'bout you?

J.Q. Rose said...

Right, Tess. We only had that one blessed afternoon for a convertible ride. But looking forward to many more warm days...whenever that will be.....

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Love your gardens, Janet. The flowers look beautiful. Yes, summer is almost upon. I went for a boat ride on Mother's Day. Still a bit chilly, but it was refreshing.

emaginette said...

I hope you didn`t get a sun burn. Thanks for the great photos, but I would have rather been sitting beside you enjoying the sunshine. :-)

Anna from Shout with Emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Joylene, a boat ride does sound like fun. I bet you enjoyed seeing spring waking up around the lake.

J.Q. Rose said...

Emaginette, you're always welcome to come along for a ride with me. That would be fun, and of course, we'd have to stop for ice cream too!

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