Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seeds of Inspiration: Beulah Lee, Giveaway

The Seeds of Inspiration Spring Event brightened up what otherwise has been a pretty dark, dismal spring season here in our corner of the world. Horrible floods, relentless rain, and cold days have delayed the usual joyful spring days. Through all this crazy weather, the tulips bloomed, the flowering trees are boasting that spring is here by showing off their gowns of abundant of color, filling the air with their sweet fragrances, and the grass is practically neon green because of the rain. Spring is pretty stubborn about getting through the tough times and then celebrating with a lavish display of splendor.

Thank you to my guest authors who added joy into the spring season with their stories of inspiration. Readers, if you have a minute, click through the past weeks and visit their guest posts to discover who or what inspired them to write. We have diverse genres represented by these talented authors. I encourage you to look up their books and add them to your TBR.

6 Heather Fraser Brainerd
13 Janie Franz
20 Roseanne Dowell
27 Miss Mae

10 Gail Roughton
24 Conda Douglas
1 Helena Fairfax
8 Katie Carroll
15 Susan Bernhardt

# # # #

This week wraps up the spring event so, being the best host possible, I take the final date for the event. It is my turn to tell you about the person who planted that seed of inspiration in me to become a writer. 

My Grandmother, Maw by J.Q. Rose

Beulah Lee, yes, that’s my mother’s mother, was a schoolteacher. She loved reading and especially loved reading her Bible. She’s the one who pointed out many verses to me and directed me to the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6.

Maw, as she was called by our family, was an intelligent woman who was stubborn as could be. Yes, somewhat like our spring this year. When she made up her mind to do something, she did it and there was no stopping her. She and my father locked horns quite a few times.

She wasn’t exactly a warm, cuddly, mushy kind of grandma who made cookies for every visit. But she did love to sew and made several doll outfits for my beloved Ricky Jr doll on her foot pedal sewing machine.

We had a special connection and not just because we loved to shop. (When her social security check came in, she cashed it into small bills and stuffed it in her wallet. She delighted in showing me the stack of cash she had for us to go shopping.)

We both were readers. Her reading probably spurred my love of reading which in turn developed my desire to write stories for others to read. I began writing little stories when I was in second grade and developed a writer’s bump on my middle finger from writing constantly. (Anyone else get that bump?)

By seventh grade I decided to tackle writing my first novel. The story line was about a horse and a girl due to my love of the book, Black Beauty. I wrote the entire book on lined yellow tablet paper and showed it to Maw. Taking those awful scribbles of sentences and typing them into a manuscript became her major project.

Courtesy of  thaikrit at
Her blue eyes sparkled with excitement when she handed me the typed pages. I almost cried. I was overcome with the idea she had “published” my book for me. I was thankful for her taking the time to work on this manuscript.  She got a kick out of my reaction, but she also loved the story and encouraged me to write more stories for more people to enjoy. From that day forward, I knew I wanted to tell stories and have them published so I could share them with readers.

I wish Maw were here now to be a part of this writing experience. Somehow I think she is with me with her blue eyes sparkling with pride.
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Who influenced you to become a writer? a reader? 

Thank you all for coming to visit the Seeds of Inspiration Spring Event. I am giving away a short story to a lucky commenter. Just leave a comment and I will send the winner of the drawing a pdf copy of the typewritten story. (Reminds me of Maw and her typing away on her old typewriter. She would be amazed at these keyboards and laptops, wouldn't she?)


Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I was a bit of a surprise to my family. Nobody else would ever think to write novels. It was other authors who influenced me. Marilyn French and Margaret Lawrence come to mind.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful story, Janet! It sounds like Maw was quite the lady. And yes, I'm sure she's watching over you, her eyes sparkling with pride.
And thank you for hosting this event. It was a wonderful way celebrate spring!

Miss Mae said...

Truly loved reading this, Janet. It was so warm and so personable. And yes, I carried that bump on my finger for many, many, many years!! (before I bought a typewriter - anyone remember typewriters??? :) )

Thanks for sharing this, and for sharing about Maw. :)

Anonymous said...

What a great story, JQ. How proud your grandma must have been of you and your writing - and how proud she would be today!
Thanks so much for running your Seeds of Inspiration season. I've really enjoyed reading all of them!

Leona~Author said...

Loved your story, JQ, and know your grandma would be proud that you shared it wth us.

I wish I had known at a young age that I wanted to be a writer. But then, things have a way of happening just the way they're supposed to.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Joylene, you must have writing genes somewhere in your background because you were given a special talent for telling stories. I know my love of reading certainly spurred me on to write my own stories.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Joylene, you must have writing genes somewhere in your background because you were given a special talent for telling stories. I know my love of reading certainly spurred me on to write my own stories.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you Heather and thanks so much for sharing your seeds of inspiration with us.

J.Q. Rose said...

Miss Mae--Aha a fellow writing bump writer. Sometimes very painful. So glad I don't need to rely on pencil and paper anymore for recording my stories! Thanks for stopping by.

Cellophane Queen said...

Sweet story. It must be nice to be inspired by a family member to pursue your dream. Maw sounds like a wonderful grandmother.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena, Thanks for taking part in this spring event. I've enjoyed reading the stories too. They were all different and special.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Leona, when did you get the writing bug? Yes, I was very young and excited to share the stories with friends and family to see them enjoy the tall tales. (At least they told me they liked them! LOL)

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Narva, yes Maw was a huge influence in my life. Thank you stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Sorry, Marva, I couldn't get the comment back to edit it. Typo on your name.

Roseanne Dowell said...

What a great post. How wonderful to have someone so special in your life to encourage and support you.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Roseanne, I'm sure you are that someone for all your kids and grands.

J.Q. Rose said...

Congratulations, Leona! You won the short story, Hello Again. Enjoy...

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