It's the first Wednesday of the month and time for a post from all the folks in the Insecure Writers Support Group. (IWSG)
What is IWSG? Founder of IWSG and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!"
After visiting here, please take time to hop over to other blogs and hear their voices. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page.
![]() Webinar Time |
Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane / |
I am drowning in information overload. Just wrapping up a marketing workshop with D'vorah Lansky, the Book Challenge, and beginning a new workshop with Connie Dunn, Writers University Boot Camp.
I signed up for these workshops to become a better writer and marketer. I must admit the workshops have stretched my world. I am all geeked up about what I am learning and anxious to try out ALL the tips I've collected and insights into marketing from D'vorah.
She includes teleseminars in her workshop and suggests they are excellent ways to market your book. D'vorah especially enjoys the audio idea of interviewing authors or being interviewed.
Now we come to my insecurity this week--actually hosting or guesting on a teleseminar. Does anyone have any experience in this? What is your nugget of advice for a fledgling teleseminar host or guest?
Thanks so much for your input!
BTW, Visitors, we will be camping without wi-fi access this week along the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan. I may get on the Internet if I leave the wilds of the woods and beaches, so I will catch up to comments when I can. Thanks for stopping!
Can't help you with the teleseminars. Just wanted to say have fun camping!
Thanks, Susanne!
Be yourself. No one can ask for more than that.
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
Excellent advice Emaginette. Thank you.
I've only taken one tele seminar, and for me it was the same as an in-person seminar. My thinking is that if you pick up one gem, it's worth the time. I picked up exactly one gem, so I was glad I did it.
I've never done one. I've listened to a few. If I were to do one, I'd tried to prepared. I'd probably have a bottle of Tums ready. After all these years, none of this stuff is getting any easier. In fact, I feel more behind the times than when I was. If that makes any sense.
C. Lee--i agree with you. Even gleaning one idea and/or receiving inspiration is worth the time.
Joylene--Wow--you're right. The more you know, the less you know you know. Right? LOL.
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