Monday, June 23, 2014

Writers' Critique Groups, This Week

The peach roses in our yard are simply exquisite this year. 
They are blooming graciously and filling the air with perfume.
Sad that a rose doesn't last very long. But then, perhaps that's why we appreciate them so much.

I am fortunate to be able to partcipate in two in-person (as opposed to online) critique (crit) groups.  I have been attending the group that meets at the library for many years. Different people come and go in this group. You never know who will attend, but we do require the submission to be sent in to our yahoo group so we can print and crit it before the meeting.

The second group is made up of four members. When we began getting together no one was published. Now all of us have traditional published books. Each time a book is accepted, we all celebrate the signing. Supporting each other whether by critiquing the stories, talking publishing, or even complaining about the kids, is a huge part of being a member of this group.

Are you a member of a crit group? Is it online or in-person? How's that working for you?

I decided to write this post today because I discovered a great guest post on Karen Cioffi's Writers on the Move blog by Shirley Corder titled Tread Gently--10 Steps to Provide a Helpful Critique. Helpful is the operative word here. Take a peek.

This Week:

Thursday, July 26-- The series on How to Begin Recording Your Life Story Part 2 continues. I am honored to share a lovely poem by Tanja Cilia. Be sure to stop in.


Leandra Wallace said...

I'm going to attend a crit group next month, that meets monthly at a local library. I'm excited- I'm hoping to see lots of faces there!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Leandra, Hope there is a lot of interest in the group. The more the merrier. Are you submitting a piece for critique? What are you working on?

Unknown said...

I'm part of a very exclusive crit group - just me and my brother! :) He gives me the best, most honest feedback on my writing. I'd never submit anything for publication without his input.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Heather, yes exclusive group indeed! Lucky...

Mikki said...

I started an online critique group 7 1/2 years ago, with 5 other ladies from all over the US, and 1 from So.Africa. None of us was published at that time. Over the years, we lost one or two but replaced them with someone else. A month ago, there were only 3 of us "originals" left,with 3 other ladies who had been with us for a while,and I was the only one published, both with short stories, articles, and now two books. The group was wonderful! I had great critiques and they helped me a lot, and I think I helped them, also. But none of the others were even trying to get published, although all were writing novels. I felt the time had come for me to leave, so now I am without a critique group.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful roses!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Mikki--yes, that is what happened with me too. The library writers are not too serious about publishing, so I'm glad I was invited to the other group who were/are serious. I've never participated in an online crit group. You might check Come over for a chat on Wed evenings at 8-10. I know some of the chatters are forming crit groups, but I can't find it on the forum area.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks Susanne! Wish you were here to see the roses in person and enjoy the fragrance.

Tess Grant said...

I wouldn't be published without my fab critique group!!

Loni Townsend said...

I started the critique group I'm in, and I love it. We have 12 people, so it takes longer to get through everyone, but the varying perspectives really brings out peoples' strengths and weaknesses. I know my writing would suck more if I didn't have them.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey Tess, what a coincidence. I wouldn't be published without my fab crit group either!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Loni, wow with 12 readers you sure would get a lot of perspectives. Thanks for stopping by.

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