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Do Readers Care if a Book is Self-Pubbed or Traditionally Published?
by J.Q. Rose
So much controversy about the value of a self-pubbed book compared to the traditionally published books. I get bored with it. I don't think readers really care if the book comes from a huge New York publisher, a small press, or from the pen of a writer in middle America.
Readers want to read engaging stories with multi-layered characters facing a dilemma and discovering the way to get out of it.. They want to be taken away from their everyday lives and escape for awhile in the pages of an entertaining read. (I don't think it matters much anymore if the pages are in a print or electronic book, but that's another discussion.)
Non-fiction books include information on how-to's or quick guides or 12 steps to such and such. Whether self-pubbed ( I believe the correct term is "indie") or traditionally published, the reader wants the information in a clear, organized way that makes sense and helps him with the latest interests in his life.
What do you think? Are readers aware or do they even care how a book is published? What is your experience?
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Thanks for stopping by today.
If you are gearing up to celebrate the Fourth of July, I'm wishing you a fun and safe holiday!
Happy Birthday USA!
I agree, readers are the least bit concerned. You have only to ask 10 readers who don't write and they generally can't tell you the name of the publisher, let alone whether the book was self-pub or not. We forget readers aren't the same as writers. Writers can be readers, yes, but readers don't all want to be writers. Okay, now that I've filled your comment box with dwibble, (new word) I'm off to read more posts. Hi Janet!
I certainly don't care. The books on my iPad are a mix of both and I've found great stories on both sides of the equation.
I've never been one to care. Looking at the publisher doesn't even cross my mind when I'm looking at books. Quality and enjoyment are the major factors I look for.
Hi Joylene, you are right. Well said and you even coined a new word. Thanks.
Alex, me too. I have a good mix of both trad pubbed and self pubbed. Thanks for stopping in.
Loni, you and I and a whole bunch of other readers don't bother with who published the book. Just read!! Thanks.
Yes. I just love a good book.
I think that, when they're actually reading the book, people don't care whether it's self-published or not. However, self-published books do have a bit of an image problem (due to SOME of them being badly written or unedited), and I think that turns some people away from reading books that they know beforehand are self-published. (Short answer: if they don't know, they don't care, but if they DO know, that knowledge sometimes colors their perceptions of the book.)
The only hitch in the "Indies are just as good" club is that only the big names get the big ads. What's popular? What's selling? Those are in front of the readers constantly. I see it all the time. Don't I want to spend $9.99 on one more famous name ebook? If I didn't know better, I would. Famous writers are relegated to my library list. Why make millionaire writers churning out the SOS into billionaires? I will only buy books from small publishers and Indie writers. They're the ones who need our money.
Most readers don't know the difference. Only the industry itself cares.
The issue is how does the reader even know that you exist if you don't have a publishing house promoting you? As long as you can compete for attention, I really don't know that it matters. Every author needs good press or word of mouth.
I agree. Readers want good stories, or easily understood information.
I think you have an excellent understanding of what readers do care about and that is all that matters. :-)
Anna from Shout with Emaginette
Hi Beverly, I'm with you on I just love to read.
Hi northofandover, I agree that many author readers don't have high expectations if we know the book is self-pubbed. Hopefully that judgment will change in the future.
Marva, you are very supportive of small presses and indie writers. I never really looked at the big pubs and celebrity authors on that light.
Hi Diane, thanks for stopping in. I agree completely.
Hi Kim, when we had our small business, we learned very quickly word-of-mouth is the best advertising you can get--if it is favorable!!
Hi Lynda, I think most of the comments agree with you and me!!
Thank you, emaginette, you are very kind.
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