Thursday, July 31, 2014

This 'n That Thursday--Insecure Writers Support Group, Kat Holmes' Summer Bash, My WIP

Summer sunset over Lake Huron July 2014
Taking a page from Alex Cavanaugh's newsy and fun blog, I am throwing a lot of things into one post here. I call it This 'n That, but they're all about writing. Speaking of Alex, he is the mighty captain of the Insecure Writers Support Group. 

What is IWSG? Founder of IWSG and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" 

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month, so come back on Wednesday to see how insecure I am! LOL The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought provoking posts.

Cozy mystery/sweet romance

Romance author Kat Holmes is hosting me on her blog today during her Summer Bash party. Inteviews with lots of authors all summer long. Stop over and enjoy the party, take a cruise with me in my red Mustang with the top down, of course, and enjoy fresh summer salads and ice cream!!

Kat's Lucky 13 question is "What are you working on?" I'm so happy she asked that one because I am just finishing my work in progress, a new mystery/sweet romance. The story takes place in the Staab and Blood funeral home,. Lauren Staab, the undertaker's daughter, moved back home to help her father care for her mother who is stricken with Alzheimer's disease. Lauren also stesp in for her mother's responsibilities in the business. Her world is turned upside down when, well let me just share the first part of Chapter One with you so you can get the idea.

Proposed Chapter One
“Lauren, call 9-1-1, there’s a dead body out here in the garage!”
            Lauren frowned. Dad must be joking. This is a funeral home. There’s always a body here. Still, there was urgency in his voice.
            She grabbed her cell phone off the desk in her office, kicked off her high heels, and ran toward the garage at the back of the funeral home.
            Lauren studdered to a stop and stood in shock when she saw a man lying face down in a pool of blood on the garage floor between the black funeral coach and SUV.  Her father looked up at her and shook his head. She felt the bile rise to her throat and turned away from the ghastly scene.

That gives you an idea of one of her problems in the story, but she also has a shadow man who keeps visiting her and sometimes at the most inopportune times like when she and her boyfriend, Chip, are together!

Fun to write this story. It isn't a dark drama. but instead filled with humor, high jinx, and a lot of bad guys too.

I have a LOT of work to do after writing the first draft, but I am anxious to dig in and smooth out the bumps and add a lovely layer of smooth asphalt on top to make the journey down the path an entertaining and thought-provoking ride. I hope you'll come along with me as I share about the writing of this new story. I'll need some of your ideas to help me along...for instance, a Title! 

Thank you for stopping by today and please leave a comment about your writing /reading progress this summer.



Anonymous said...

Hi, J Q. Your new WIP sounds interesting.

Tess Grant said...

I love the name Staab and Blood!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Susanne. Fun story to write.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Tess, unbelievably true. Funeral homes with those names and more. We used to answer the phone, you stab 'em, we slab 'em., not really!!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Love the opening. That's a definitely hook. Now I'm off hopping... see you at Kat's!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Joylene, from the conception of the idea, I knew this would be the opening of the book. Now that I've finished, I'm not so sure. !! Thanks for stopping in.

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