Monday, August 11, 2014

Time to Be Present

Grandsons on the shores of Lake Huron--a moment captured with my camera
Time is flying by too quickly. When the sand in an hour glass slips through to the bottom, we can just turn it over and start again. But time doesn't stop for us. We ride it like a rocket ship through the ages and stages of life. At times we need to slam on the brakes of that rocket ship (if they have them?) and take time to be present in the moments of our lives.

I'm putting my foot down on those brakes this week to be mindful of the moments in my life. This is especially important this week because we have the opportunity to be with our grandchildren. Our thirteen and fourteen-year-old grandsons are ready to go fishing with the grandparents anytime. Eagerly the twelve year old grandson sets up the board games knowing he's going to beat Grandpa. The nine year old likes to be in the kitchen cooking up goodies. And my five year old granddaughter can't wait to come over to find toads in the window well and get dirty in the garden picking beans and digging potatoes.

Can you see these children all grown up? I can. Their time with us will go so quickly. Friends, sports, activities in school will fill up their lives. I know this because all my grandparenting friends tell me this happens as the kids grow up. Time spent with the grandparents is squeezed into little moments when they are free, instead of the entire long, luxurious days of summer.

I decided this week I'll take the time to appreciate the present. I will be mindful of every moment and imprint it on my mind to keep in my heart forever. I want the experiences and to capture each one so one day I can pull them from my memory box and I'll smile at the memories.

How many of these summer days and evenings do we take for granted? What gorgeous sunsets have we missed this year?  And what delicious food have we just scarfed down and not even tasted?

I hope you have the opportunity to take time to be in the present and appreciate those moments by immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures of each one. 

Have a wonderful week! I 'll be back next Monday probably sun-burned, happy, and exhausted. 


Anonymous said...

J Q, have a great time with your grandchildren. Make lots of wonderful memories.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time, JQ. Your photo is wonderful. You do so right to try and slow these moments down. What a lovely post!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Have a great time, Janet. You're right, they'll be grown in no time. Makes me understand what my mother and her mother went through.

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