Monday, September 15, 2014

Goodbye to Big Blue and the WIP, This Week, Giveaway

"Big Blue"--1996 RAM truck

Good-bye to "Big Blue" by J.Q. Rose
Our Dodge RAM truck has given us fantastic service for fourteen years. Last week, we bought a new truck. I know this sounds sappy and sentimental, but I am sad to lose Big Blue. I know it's just a truck, but when I think of all Big Blue and my hubby and I have been through together...We began our camping adventures with this truck pulling a little 24 foot fifth wheel out west and into Canada.

Big Blue was the one who hauled us and our 32 foot fifth wheel around as we lived full-time in our "condo-on-wheels" for over eight years. Big Blue was the work horse on mission projects with the NOMADS RV'ers group. We loaded up lumber to build decks for my brother-in-law and fix-up jobs.Ted's tools were always at the ready in the tool box in the bed of the truck when he could do handyman jobs for folks. And this is the truck that transported our grandkids to those great family camp-outs.
Big Blue in the background. Grandsons cooking breakfast on camping trip to Mackinac Island
My DH had a hard time giving up this truck, but it had 189,000 miles on it. Though the engine runs like a top, thanks to my DH babying it with regular oil changes and transmission charges, the trip to Florida is a long one. I imagine Big Blue could do it, but we traded to feel more confident on those busy roads and comfy (let me tell you, my seat in that old truck had deep impressions matching my bottom).

Much like giving up Big Blue for a new truck, I have the sad but exhilarating feeling of finishing my WIP. This sounds sappy and sentimental too, but this story has become a "friend" and we have been through some fun and difficult places too. I hate to see the fleshing out of the characters and their emotions and motivations come to an end, but thrilled that I finished it. Do you ever feel that way after reading or writing a book? I have to ask--do you ever get attached to your vehicles?
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This Week:

A lot of fun coming up here on the J.Q. Rose blog this week plus a giveaway!

Tuesday, September 16--Heather Fraser Brainerd invited me to a Character Hop. So much fun to share characters. Click back tomorrow and catch a group of authors talking about the amazing characters who populate their stories. I fill you in on Pastor Christine in my romance/mystery,Coda to Murder.

Thursday, September 18--Katie L. Carroll's Elixir Bound Book Blitz--This YA fantasy is on sale this week for 99 cents AND Katie is giving away a signed copy through Goodreads.

Ebook on sale for $.99 until September 27:
MuseItUp bookstore

Signed paperback giveaway on Goodreads until September 28Click Goodreads to enter.

Have a fantastic week!


Anonymous said...

I KNOW exactly what you mean!

Three years ago I signed over (with a huge knot in my throat) and watched with teary eyes as they took away my much loved little gold Subaru.

We bought it brand new in 1984, a five-speed. With over 250,000 miles it still ran good (like your DH, mine made sure to keep up with maintenance), transmission was great. Yet, age was telling and I didn't want to trust it too far from home. We donated it to public television and they sold it immediately at auction. I don't know what the new buyers did with it - don't think I wanna know. But that little car took us everywhere we wanted to go. Sure, we burned up on summer trips and arrived with wild, tangled hair as a rolled down window was our only AC. But that little Soob kept on goin' and goin'. I still get choked up when I remember it.

Good news to hear, though, about the fantastic service of your Dodge. For the first time, we've switched brands and have purchased a Jeep. We wondered about the quality of Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep, but we do love the Jeep. Less than 1000 miles right now, but we hope for the same great service your RAM's given you. :)

And your blog hop and giveaway sound like fun. What character will you talk about?

J.Q. Rose said...

Aw, taking a moment to think about your little Subaru. Yes, I feel just like you. At least you gave your Subaru a noble giveaway as a fundraiser for PBS. Sadly, Blue is sitting on our vacant lot along a highway waiting for someone to be wowed enough to stop and buy it. Rather insulting to be asking $3500 for this once proud vehicle. Talking about Pastor Christine from Coda to Murder tomorrow. Hope you can stop back in. Thanks for sharing about your gold Soob.

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