Thursday, February 26, 2015

Your Book is Just the Beginning: Multiple Income Streams and Author Platform Building

Multiple Income Streams from Your Book 
by J.Q. Rose
 Money Maker
Photo by 
Mister GC. Courtesy of

Your book is just the beginning of a new career for you. I had a "light bulb" moment last summer when I discovered D'vorah Lansky's website, Build a Business with Your Book and her amazing program for authors, Book Marketing Challenge. While the 30 day program emphasizes building your author platform, in the third week D'vorah opened my eyes to using a book as a springboard to new opportunities for enlarging your platform and earn multiple income streams. I was intrigued with the idea because I never thought beyond writing a book. I guess I was so focused on the writing, publishing, and marketing, I never thought about ways of making money with it other than selling it.

D'vorah Lansky
Founder, Build a Business with Your Book
Did you write a fiction book whose character is into designing clothing? Then focus on sewing or tailoring to extend your reach. Did you write a non-fiction how-to book? Use your expertise in the topic to expand your audience and build your list.

Whether your book is fiction or non-fiction, here are some ideas to add some pennies to your piggy bank:
  • Write articles on your topic for magazines and ezines
  • Monetize a blog you write on the book topic
  • Speak in front of audiences about the topic and you will be known as an expert. You may get paid for your speaking engagement and/or sell books at the back of the room.
  • Appear in webinars/teleseminars as a guest or host experts/authors
  • Interview on podcasts experts in the field
  • Be a consultant or coach and get paid for it!
These action plans may help you get your name out there and sell more books as well as open doors to new opportunities.

Have you tried any of these methods to build your platform and/or earn more from your book? Can you add to the list?
Leave a comment for us. We'd love to hear about your experiences.

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Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden
First in the series
One of the ways to build your author platform is to have a LOT of great books in your list. So if someone likes your book, have one ready for them to come back to buy. The series idea works for fiction and non-fiction books. 

I am trying this idea out by publishing an eBook series with my husband, Gardener Ted, on vegetable gardening. This is the right time of the year for sure. When I released the eBook on Amazon on Feb 15, 2015, the book was a top 100 seller in crafts/hobbies and vegetables categories. At this writing it is in the top 100 in the seasonal category. That is exciting!

Back of the Book:
Do you want to savor vegetables grown in your own back yard? Save money on food? Add healthy vegetables to your diet? We can help you with quick, practical tips on growing a vegetable garden. Learn how to get ready for gardening, how to plan a garden for four seasons of eating enjoyment, how to start seeds, and more. Quick Tips for Vegetable Gardening is dedicated to offering you quick tips and advice for you to grow veggies in a garden plot, container, raised bed, or vertical gardening. This eBook is written with clear and concise tips to get you started.
The purpose of sharing these gardening tips is not only to advise you on best gardening practices, but also to afford you the opportunity for a satisfying and fulfilling experience with a garden that produces delicious vegetables for your eating pleasure year after year. 

The authors have years of experience growing their own vegetable gardens, producing plants in commercial greenhouses, and owning and operating a garden center. They know how to grow a productive garden. Order the first book in the Vegetable Gardening Series, Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening: Starting Your Garden, and watch for more eBooks in the series jam-packed with information to help you produce delicious vegetables for your dinner table.
Get your copy today for 99 cents.
Buy Link: Amazon
Tell friends and family who are interested in gardening about these quick tips. Thank you!

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