Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring in Florida, Book Cover Design

Spring has sprung in Florida as evidenced by the amaryllis and azaleas blooming. No tulips, but beds of amaryllis.
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Hello and welcome. I'm feeling good today. I don't know if it's because spring is evident in Florida (and I must say hot with temps in mid-80's) or if it's because I'm finally over the flu. I didn't know how bad I felt for the last month until this week when I realized I feel so good! So miserable for awhile. If you have or had the flu this winter, we are soul mates. I guess that flu shot didn't cover what I had. Hope you are feeling well now too.

Even feeling as rotten as I did,  I put the vegetable gardening book up on amazon on Feb.15. That was the highlight of the month and so much fun to do with my hubby, Gardener Ted. 
Quick Tips on
Vegetable Gardening
Book Cover
Available at Amazon
I shared the book cover with you so you could help me make a decision. Today I'm sharing a book cover for the upcoming ebook on writing tips from romance and mystery authors.

The authors were guests on this blog from October to February, so I'm sharing their tips and new material in the ebook. They had so many helpful and creative tips, I had to put them all together in one place so more writers could see them and use them for their writing projects. I'm so excited to be able to get this advice into the hands of aspiring and experienced authors, and to introduce readers to the contributing authors and their stories.

The book covers are below. I didn't put the fifteen contributing authors on the front of the book. Amazon only allows ten names to be listed as authors when uploading the book file, so I will list them inside. Even if I listed them, the names would be unreadable in the ebook thumbnail.  

Please give me some feedback on the covers. Colors, fonts, placement of words and images. Too busy? Too stark? I'm open to hearing it all.






Thanks for your help. 
Images on the book covers courtesy of
Multi-Colored Books from Stuart Miles portfolio
Opened Book from digitalart portfolio

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If you are designing a book cover, here are a couple of links to help you design it.

The Book Designer--Five great fonts for book covers. There are many more helpful articles here by Joel Friedlander, the guru of book cover design.

The Cover Design Studio Article on fonts and typeface. Lots of information on design here.

Please sign up in the box at the right to keep up-to-date on the blog posts on the J.Q. Rose blog. Thanks!


Unknown said...

Hmmm... I'm kinda leaning toward #3. Glad you're feeling better!

Michelle Wallace said...

I think no.#3 is most pleasant on the eye. Though no.#1 is not too bad. Just my take on it.
Glad to know you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you've been ill, JQ. Good to hear the spring has put a spring in your step. I prefer #3, but maybe without the slanting font for the title. I think readers will also be more drawn if there is a named author on the front. How about something like "The Writing Process, Publishing and Marketing" as the title, followed by in smaller letters "40 (or whatever number) Romance and Mystery Authors share their advice" and then "Compiled and edited by JQ Rose"? Or just "Edited by JQ Rose"?
Thanks so much for putting all this together, JQ. I can't wait for it to go live. And congrats on the gardening book!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Heather.

J.Q. Rose said...

Michelle, Thanks for your "take" on it.

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, You've given me some food for thought on the title. Thank you!

Miss Mae said...

J.Q., just my input -- if this is advice given from mystery writers, thus sorta highlighting that genre, maybe make the cover suspenseful? Like a dark sky draped with a bit of fog and have a moon peeking through?

Make the title "Advice from Mystery/Suspense Authors" and in lower case then add "The Writing Process, Publishing...." and so forth?

If possible, make a bit of lightning strike through the title too? :)

Again, just sharing some thoughts. It's YOUR book, you design how it pleases YOU. :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi MM, I like that idea for sure. BUT they are tips from Romance AND Mystery Authors. I went for the mystery look with the moon in gray clouds book cover. But, alas, nothing romantic! Maybe some glasses of wine and roses? LOL Then I thought it's actually a guide for writing, so should it look more academic/scholarly/serious? I dunno. I appreciate your feedback. (I also tried a little red heart in place of the a in romance, but it looked like a cartoon or a kid did it. sigh. Thanks for your feedback. Gives me more ideas!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks so much for your input. I will go back to the drawing board to see what I can do with all these lovely comments.

aaronnssd said...
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aaronnssd said...

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