Saturday, April 4, 2015

Wishing You a Hoppy Easter!

Wishing you a joyous, blessed Easter!


AJ Blythe said...

Happy Easter to you too, JQ. Stopping by from QOTKU blog :)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, AJ, for stopping in and leaving greeting!

J.Q. Rose said...

AJ- just perused your fun site. Love how you shared your writing process. You're right. Every writer has her own way of coming up with the story. I'm not sure what the QOTKU blog is, but it's early in the morning here, and I may figure it out soon. I didn't see that it applied to your blog?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm dropping in from QOTKU's blog. I see you're what is called a hybrid author - a mix of traditional pub'ed and self pub'ed. I think it's great we have choices! Happy Easter to you too!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Donna, thanks for stopping in. Just left a comment on your interesting and inspiring blog. Yes, I'm self pubbed in non fiction and trad pubbed in mysteries. Makes it hard to promote though. Readers don't know what to expect next!

Recipes 'n Reads: Cookbooks with Old Recipes to Bring Back the Past, Tips on Writing Your Life Story #recipesandreads,#booksale, #RecipesnReads

  Hello and Welcome to the Focused on Story Blog!  This is my "home" on the web--J.Q. Rose Recipes 'n Reads Series Today marks...

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