Monday, June 1, 2015

First Camping Trip of the Season, This Week: Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop and Travelogue to Old San Juan

Lakeside at Woods 'n Waters Campground, Michigan
Monday, Monday, and I’m looking forward to this week, the first week in this beautiful month of June.

First, I am anticipating some rest and recuperation from our first camping experience for the season. We traveled to Woods ‘n Waters Campground where our camping daughter and her family have a seasonal site. It was Grandparents Weekend and Grandparents' sites were half off! The rain poured down every day, but somehow we kept busy. (They have an indoor pool.) 

Our resident chefs prepare eggs, bacon, pancakes, and waffles under the camper's awning
It was kind of fun eating breakfast under the awning with the rain spattering overhead. Yes, a bit damp if you sat close to the edge of the awning, but you sure can't have breakfast served in such a setting anywhere else! Such ambience. Before we left on Sunday afternoon, the campground sponsored a potluck dinner (covered dish dinner?). Lots of food and not one dish the same. A true feast. 

IWSG Support Group Blog Hop on Wednesday
Second, the first Wednesday in June, June 3, means another Insecure Writers Support Group (IWSG) blog hop. That Wednesday truly is hoppin’ every month with blog posts that light up the writing community with support, advice, and just plain fun. Check out all the posts on Wednesday. Each blogger has a link to the over 200 participants and counting. You can join in too. Here’s the skinny on IWSG.Be sure to also take a peek at the IWSG website for lots of resources for writers.

San Cristobol Fort, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Thirdly, (is that a word?) on Thursday we kick off the new Travelogue event on the J.Q. Rose blog. New author friends and old author friends will take us along on their trips. So far, we will be visiting Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, Peru, Afghanistan, and Disneyland. You will discover new places, as well as, great books from our guests. The trips will be sprinkled throughout the lazy days of summer. Please join us.

Are you planning a vacation (holiday) this summer? A "stay-cation" in the backyard? working on the house? making a road trip? Please tell us about your plans.

Looking forward to meeting with you again right here on the J.Q. Rose blog on Wednesday and Thursday this week! Follow by email to get notices of new blog posts.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a fantastic week!


Susan Bernhardt said...

J.Q. it sounds like the campsite went all out for Grandparent's weekend. How fun, camping with your daughter and family. It does sound like you had a great time despite the weather.

Happy June 1st!

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, it was a good, no problem trip. Always wonder after the camper sits all winter what problems might erupt. Knock on wood, all the kinks are fine....!! LOL...Going back next week and taking our other daughter's sons, so everyone but Sara and hubby will be there. Sara and hubby are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary, so I think they deserve a weekend getaway. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Susan.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip, JQ, despite the rain. We've had a miserable Spring here too, so far, but a heat wave predicted for next week. I hope it hits you, too, in time for your next trip. Thanks for sharing. It was good to feel part of the fun! (I can just taste those waffles :) )

Marsha said...

Love the pics, Janet. I'm so impressed with your "chef" being able to prepare such a spread out in the wilds that way. (Can you tell I'm not a camper?)We've had the wettest May ever and the third wettest month ever. In one month the state went from almost everyone being in extreme drought to sever flooding. While we've had sun yesterday and today, the waters continue to rise as water is let out of lakes above us. Going out today to check on the house to make sure everything is okay.
Love your idea of a travel blog this summer. Will look forward to following. In July, the whole family is going to Red River, New Mexico. I'd love to send in a post about our trip. I think I FBed about this yesterday, but I didn't get to Tweet. I'll do both. Have a great day.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, I hope you get some warm sunshine soon, but your photos of the misty moors are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Marsha, we aren't exactly in the wilds... I camp with a microwave and electric blanket and AC when necessary!! Actually 3 "chefs" prepared breakfast, 2 grandsons and Grandpa. Pretty soon he'll have them so well-trained they can do it all, or that's the plan anyway.
I would love to visit Red River through your eyes.

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