Sunday, August 30, 2015

Self-Publishing Perks by J.Q. Rose

Writing is easy...
Writing is easy...I had to laugh when I saw this quote. That's like saying self-publishing is easy. I'm here to say self-publishing isn't easy, but it is gratifying when a writer sees his words actually ready to be put into the hands of a reader either through print or digital formats.

I'm considered a hybrid author because I have traditionally published books (my mysteries) and self-published books (non-fiction.) You can find all my books at my amazon author page or My Books Tag above. Because there is a whole ocean packed with fiction books, I decided to offer my mysteries to a publisher figuring I could be found more easily. An instant network is available when joining a publishing house because authors are so supportive of each other.
Self-publishers have to find and make their own networks and it takes a lot of time to do that.

Here are the perks I found when I self-published.

8 Self-publishing Perks I like:

  • Freedom to determine my book cover.
  • Set deadlines and release dates.
  • Play with pricing.
  • Determine sales promotions and dates.
  • Get data to discover if the promotions worked or not.
  • Change keywords.
  • Glam up the book description.
  • Add to, correct, or re-write the e-book and have it online the next day
What can you add to this list? If you have a question about a perk, please ask in a comment below.
Thank you.
# # # #
I'm running a Back to School Special Pricing promotion right now on my non-fiction e-book for Middle Grade girls, Girls Succeed! Stories Behind the Careers of Successful Women.
To inspire and empower girls
Study guide for Girls Succeed

It was my privilege to interview fifteen successful women who are role models for girls. They share their passion and drive to achieve their careers. Find out the obstacles on their path to their dreams and how they overcame them. Dream big!

Click on the links below to download a sample or to purchase.  

The Study Guide for Girls Succeed! is also available at these booksellers.


Anonymous said...

I recently joined the ranks of hybrid authors, JQ, after self-publishing some of my backlist. I totally agree with your list of the benefits of self-publishing. One of the disadvantages, though, is that you are a one-man band. I've really enjoyed meeting other authors through my traditional publishers, and the feeling of team spirit. Being a hybrid author gives you the best of both worlds. Best of luck with all your writing projects!

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, I agree. I like the "team spirit" too. Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes to you too with your self pubbing!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. I'm also a hybrid. One of the best things about being pubbed by a publishing house is the people I've met. Probably wouldn't have ever met either Helena or you, JQ. I'm really grateful to consider you friends. I also needed the affirmation of two, not just one publishing house, saying they liked my work. I also found a grate cover artist with that publishing house, too.
I have a couple of other groups that are super supportive too. Some are self-pubbed and others traditionally published. I haven't joined the big self-pubbing loop, and I really need to.
More and more people are turning to self-publication. A good and a bad thing. Good that people can get there works out, but sure does add to the "clutter" of books and makes it harder to stand out.
One the other hand, we're all three published authors and that's a very good place to be. I shared, JQ.

Susan Bernhardt said...

I consider all of you friends, Helena, Marsha, and J.Q. and others at MIU. I haven't ever self-published, but I would love to experience it. I think all of the points you mentioned J.Q. in your post are important.

Thank you for this post.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha-Thank you, friend. Our world expands when we get involved with publishing books online. I never dreamed of having friends in TX and England! I love the experience of meeting folks all around the world and connecting.

J.Q. Rose said...

Susan, indeed friends with you and folks I've met at MIU. Self pubbing is fun because you have all the sales info right at hand and can check anytime. When I pubbed the garden book and the authors writing tips books, I used amazon's special promotion for books exclusively on their site--now that's another topic. It was fun to watch the books climb in the bestsellers rankings. I got addicted!! Not so much fun when they stop climbing though. Thanks for stopping in.

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