Thursday, January 7, 2016

Blog Swap with Author Kathy McIntosh

Why is this pig here?
Read about Guest Author Kathy McIntosh below and you'll understand.
Photo by J.Q. Rose
Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. 

Today humorist author Kathy McIntosh and I are swapping blogs. Kathy and I met online and have become cyber friends, just one of the perks of being an author nowadays with this new technology. She's divulging Five Fun Facts about me, hopefully five fun ones. I asked her to share why she wrote her humorous series with "non-stop plot surprises and humor." After reading Kathy's article and about her books, you'll see why I posted a pig, a handsome pig, at the top of the page.

Please hop on over to Kathy's blog after visiting here and say hi. Thanks.

Welcome, Kathy!!

Why I Wrote the Havoc in Hancock Series by Kathy McIntosh

My parents were lifelong campers and lovers of the wild and they instilled that love in me. I must have passed it on to my daughter, because she became an environmental activist.
Several years ago, my daughter and I had breakfast with an activist friend of hers whose “forest” name is Roadkill. Roadkill wore the skins of animals he’d found beside the road and tanned himself. He was (and is still) truly a character.

That delightful meal and introduction led to my first novel, Mustard's Last Stand, set in North Idaho. I love that part of my former home state. The lakes are deep and the forests majestic and the populace is sprinkled with plenty of loons. The human kind.

The premise for my first novel is admittedly absurd: No one would think of establishing a safari camp filled with African animals in chilly North Idaho. It made for a lot of fun, however, and believe it or not, some folks have asked me if zebras really live in Idaho. (They don’t.)

“Canned hunts” for elk, deer and many kinds of wild birds do exist in Idaho and other states, and in my book I try to point out, with a little humor, some of their drawbacks.

Roadkill played a smaller part in Foul Wind, but he will be the protagonist in the third novel, that I’m setting in my new state of Arizona.

Foul Wind by Kathy McIntosh
Back of the Book: Foul Wind by Kathy McIntosh

A bad wind's blowing from the new energy project known as Windfall Works, carrying the stench of pig poop along with rumors of financial shenanigans, blackmail and murder. Feather Sullivan can't believe her prissy sister Roxanne is involved. But when Roxanne disappears, leaving behind her dead lover and several furious investors in the energy project, Feather and her mother, often at odds, endure hungry hogs, sinister strangers, and a PI with killer instincts and drop-dead looks, to sniff out the murderer.

From the award-winning author of Mustard's Last Stand, the debut novel called "an absolute charmer" and "a totally fun read with non-stop plot surprises and humor."

BUY LINK: Foul Wind:
Dogged Kat Press
ISBN-13: 978-0692525692
 # # # #

About Kathy McIntosh:
Kathy McIntosh grew up in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California and spent 30 years in Idaho, so she’s familiar with urban and rural kookiness. She and her husband transplanted from Idaho to the Sonora desert in mid-2014, happy to swap snow
Author Kathy McIntosh
Stories full of Humor and Surprise
shovels for sunglasses. The first novel in the Havoc in Hancock series, the award-winning Mustard’s Last Stand, has been compared to the witty but weird works of Carl Hiaasen. It pits an environmental activist against a fanatical developer of an African safari camp in North Idaho.

Foul Wind, the second in the Havoc in Hancock humorous suspense series, was released in October of 2015. Blackmail, wind mills and vicious pigs make for a stinky —and deadly — combination. Can a former activist stop her meddling mother from becoming the next victim?

Kathy’s books blend mad-cap humor, odd-ball characters, light romance and suspense to make readers laugh as they’re nudged to consider what we’re doing to our environment.

Interesting fact: The narrator for the audio version of Mustard’s Last Stand, JoBe Cerny, was once the voice of the Pillsbury Doughboy! He created almost forty different voices for the narration and it rocks.

Connect Online with Kathy
Website and blog:

Facebook:  Facebook author page:
Thank you, Kathy.
# # # #
Readers, look for me on Sunday, January 10--I'm looking forward to spending the day with my friend and talented author, Heather Fraser Brainerd. She and her brother David are a real trip, so I had to share some far-out post for their site, Driving Blind Productions. Come on over and have fun with us.


J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Kathy. Thanks for trading blogs with me today. Your book sounds like a fun read. You have a wonderful sense of humor.

Kathy McIntosh said...

Talk about a sense of humor! I love the pig picture and will NOT take offense. :)
Thanks for trading with me!

Jacqueline Seewald said...

The pig photo certainly caught my attention! Kathy, your novels sound like wonderful, fun reads and most original. Best wishes.

Kathy McIntosh said...

How discerning of you, Jacqueline. Both to tell me apart from the pig and your comment about my novels.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Take a moment and check out J.Q.'s books.

Nancy Means Wright said...

Your books sound delightful, Kathy, and I'll look forward to dipping into them. I love the idea of roadkill! Although it does seem a bit indigestible. Great piggy picture, too. Truly humorous novels are hard to come by, and are always a treat to read. The world news is so indigestible these days that we are desperate for a good laugh!

Cynthia Sample said...

Hi Kathy. This was a fun post but I would expect that from you. Your books have the most unique characters!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

The picture of the pig sure makes a person read on to see what it's all about. I haven't read any of Kathy's books, but they sound like lots of fun. Congratulations to you, Kathy. Here's to many sales. Thanks for the post. J. Q. Enjoyed my visit.

J.Q. Rose said...

Kathy, so glad you like the pig picture. I took it at the county fair and used the photo for a book trailer for my mystery/romance, Coda to Murder.

J.Q. Rose said...

Jacqueline and Nancy, glad you like the pig picture. LOL..I giggle when I look at it and giggle at the premise for Kathy's books too! Thanks for stopping in.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Cynthia, thanks so much for stopping by today. Yes, her characters are unique!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Beverley, so happy you stopped in. Glad that silly pig hooked you in. Never knew my little piggy would be such a hit right along with Kathy's books.

Kathy McIntosh said...

Nancy, Cindy, and Beverly,

Thanks so much for commenting. Would have responded earlier, but spent the late afternoon/evening arranging a shuttle for a friend (Conda, J.Q.) whose flight from Phoenix, where her flight changed, was cancelled. We just got home from a late dinner.
I do so love that pig! J.Q. promises a copy for me. Could I use it for my book trailer, if I give you photo credit?

Kathy McIntosh said...

Thanks again for hosting me, J.Q. It was great fun.

J.Q. Rose said...

Kathy, yes you can use the pig picture in your book picture. I have a few more I'll send you too. Thanks for swapping blogs.

Susan Coryell said...

I appreciate humor in my reading and try always to incorporate it (even if it's subtle) in my cozy mystery/Southern Gothics. Your writing sounds FUN!

Stephanie Faris said...

Glad to know zebras don't live in Idaho. Great guest post! I'll go check yours out.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. I'll check out the other blog. Nice to meet you, Kathy. Fun sounding books, Kathy. Best to you this year. I'll share. :)

Sandra Cox said...

Your books sound like a lot of fun, Kathy.

J.Q. Rose said...

Susan, Stephanie, Marsha, and Sandra--Kathy is so creative with her stories and I think has as muc fun writing them as we do reading them. Thanks for stopping in.

Kathy McIntosh said...

Susan, Stephanie, Marsha and Sandra--I so appreciate your stopping by and taking a look at my website. I do have fun writing my books, most of the time. I confess coming up with the premise and plot outline is the toughest part for me.
Again thanks to J.Q. for inviting me.

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