Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Co-hosting the Internet Writers Support Group Blog Hop This Week, Achieving Your Goals, Giveaway

Welcome to  the Internet Writers Support Group (IWSG) blog hop.  .

What is IWSG? Founder of the  Insecure Writer’s Support Group and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month.  The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page

This month is a special one, not because it's the first blog hop of the year 2016, but because the Insecure Writers Support Group announces the winners of the IWSG Anthology Contest. 

I'm thrilled to be one of the co-hosts for the IWSG blog hop on this exciting day.  Thanks to the brave souls who are co-hosting with me. Please hop over and say hi to them.

The co-hosts for January are:
Achieving Your Goals by J.Q. Rose
It's January! Of course it's time for a new beginning -- to set your goals, organize your life, begin those projects. Well, I'm here to tell ya' you don't have to wait until January to set goals, etc. When I taught school, I felt like September was a new beginning  because I had a new group of students and new challenges. I could change what didn't work last year and improve lessons and relationships in September. I felt lucky to have two New Years.
So many folks fail to achieve their goals by the second week of January. That doesn't mean you just wallow in the misery of failure. You can re-charge and re-set your goal any time of the year. Don't give up because as Zig says "the goals aren't as important as what you become by achieving your goals."

Do you set goals in January?  Are they realistic and specific goals? Leave a comment below to let us know your approach to setting or not setting goals. Thanks.
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Pick up your FREE copy of the IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond at amazon
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe. 
The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
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Anonymous said...

First off, thank you for co-hosting this month's IWSG. I know it's hard work, but definitely worth it. :) I'm a goal setter. I tend to break mine down into manageable chunks, and am good at completing them unless something in life happens that gets in the way of it.

I'm trying to keep my thoughts positive for this year since it just started, so here's to a prosperous 2016! Happy New Year! Eva

Lidy said...

Happy New Year and thanks for co-hosting! I love that quote by Zig. I've set goals for 2016, mapped the entire year with quarterly goals actually. But instead of looking at the macro I'm focusing on the micro. Focusing on doable daily goals that'll help me to achieve my overall aim. Doing little things everyday that in the short/long run makes a difference/brings results. Baby steps.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's right! Just reset your goals.
Thanks again for co-hosting today.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Thanks for co-hosting, Janet. Thanks for being such a great support to all of us. I don't set goals anymore. Unless you count the ones I make before I get out of bed in the morning. Be happy!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Eva. Manageable chunks are the key words. Thanks. Happpy New Year to you too!

J.Q. Rose said...

Lidy, You sound so sensible in your approach. Good advice. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Alex. Looking forward to a busy day of co-hosting!

J.Q. Rose said...

LOL Joylene. It's good to have a plan for the day. That's still organizing and goal setting even if it's done on a daily basis.

Pat Garcia said...

Hi and Happy New Year!
Thank you for co-hosting this month and yes, I do set goals. I notate them in my diary and try to be as specific as I can. Then I start working on them.

Wishing you all the best for 2016.

Melodie Campbell said...

Goals. I have writing deadlines set by publishers, so of course I must make them. But I think my goal this year is to start a new series. Something to challenge me in a way that scares the hell out of me. (smile) Nice to meet you!

Tamara Narayan said...

I make resolutions, break them, start over, and continue on. Sometimes things get accomplished and sometimes they don't, but at least I haven't given up. If there's something I really want, I do go after it.

J.Q. Rose said...

@ Pat-I agree with writing down your goals. Always there to remind you of your purpose. Best wishes.

@ Melodie--Writing a series would be a challenge for me too. Proud of you to try something new. Will this be a fiction series? Don't be scared, just dive in! Nice to meet you also.

@Tamara-I like your determination to re set your goals and carry on.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I didn't really set any goals this year. I end up disappointed lol. Thanks for co-hosting!

Unknown said...

This is very good advice. You can choose change and improvement any time of the year--and sometimes, trying to do it right at the beginning is too much pressure and expectation.

Bish Denham said...

Great quote. I don't do resolutions, but I do set goals. My favorite bit of advice is: Pick 3 things that need doing each day, write them down and do those 3 things. It can be as simple as sweeping the floor or as *difficult* as putting in time on writing.

Angela Wooldridge said...

I agree, it's silly to wait till January. I think I did a bit of a re-boot in November and I try to take the 'bite-size chunks' approach to things, it's easier to achieve that way.
Thanks for hosting :)

Elizabeth Alsobrooks said...

Thanks for cohosting and sharing! I look forward to March. Why? The gal at the gym told me most of the New Year's resolution members will have dropped out and it won't be busy any more...LOL!

Crystal Collier said...

Goals for sure. We had a family council last night and I am overwhelmed with goals. Me, I have 4: finish 2 books for publication, publish an anthology of short stories, and record an audio book (potentially starting a company doing this. *gulp*). Here's to working hard and making it happen, eh?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

As my husband likes to say, if you fail at first, all you have to do is reload and try again. Great encouragement today.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good reminders. You're so right--we want our lofty goals accomplished in a snap. Doesn't work that way. Maybe on the list of resolutions should be 'more patience' or 'flexibility'. Those are much tougher for me than 'lose weight'. I get to enjoy that achievement often as I'm always gaining weight!

emaginette said...

You're right we do change as we chase/achieve our goals. A nice thought that. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Yolanda Renée said...

I'm a goal setter, always have been! Don't always reach them in the time frame I set, but still I always seem to achieve them! Except that damn pesky lose weight goal - never happens - I spend too much time on my ass writing! :)
Thanks for co-hosting!

Kathy McIntosh said...

My friend Conda Douglas suggested, and I adopted, the idea of setting intentions rather than making resolutions. Somehow it is easier to reset my intention than to admit I've failed my resolve. Seems a gentler prod. And I do need prodding!
Thanks for co-hosting this event. I'm trying to learn about it.

Dean K Miller said...

I have many new projects on my schedule for 2016. Goals....well not really, but definitely on my to do list. Same thing? I'm not sure, but I look forward to the challenges ahead. Thanks for co-hosting today.

Loni Townsend said...

Thanks for co-hosting!

I tried to make my goals specific and ones I can stick to. I know I won't stick to eating changes, and I know I can't write everyday because I'll always prioritize my family over my writing. But I can take 10,000 steps and do a 5 minute work out.

Best of luck with your goals!

Nicola said...

What a fantastic quote and so true! I also used to teach and I had two diaries. One that began with August for school and my writing diary beginning with January. I ditched the school one 3 years ago to concentrate on my writing:) Much prefer spending my summer writing than planning for the next semester :) Thank you for co-hosting today. Great post. Inspirational!

L.G. Keltner said...

Hello fellow co-host! I tried to set realistic goals for the coming year. Hopefully we'll both have a good 2016!

Juneta key said...

Happy New Year and Thanks for co-hosting. I try to keep it simple. Hope you have a great 2016/1
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

C.D. Gallant-King said...

I make my goals from day to day. If I accomplish something, anything, every day, no matter how small, then I'm moving in the right direction.

IWSG January

Fundy Blue said...

Hi J. Q. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG today! Co-hosts are brave souls! I am a retired teacher, and the beginning of the school year always felt like the real new year to me ~ although I taught in a year round school, so my year always started right after July 4th. I don't do resolutions, but I do set goals; and you're right, they can be started any time. Good luck with your writing in 2016!

Nancy Gideon said...

Thanks for hosting this month! TWO chances to make goals? I don't know whether I find that exciting or terrifying. By September I should be settled in from my recent move and be ready to make and follow through on mine. My story. I'm sticking to it.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Thank you for co-hosting this month's IWSG. Happy New Year. Thanks also for directing me to Amazon for the free: IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond. Best Wishes for a terrific 2016.

Patsy said...

My goals are realistic, but not very specific.

Tonja Drecker said...

Thanks for co-hosting this month. I'm not a big resolution fan because I know I'd have to readjust. Never know what the year will bring...which is a good thing.

dolorah said...

I do set realistic goals in January. And stick to it most days :)

Denise Covey said...

Thanks for sharing the co-hosting this month. I'm not a goal setter, but I have a pretty good idea of where I'm going and how I'm going to get there. I wish you every success in 2016!

Diane Burton said...

Thanks for co-hosting this month. Setting goals is a common theme this week. I like looking forward to what I can achieve, as opposed to looking back and seeing what I didn't do. When I taught school, I often thought of September as a new beginning. January (in Mich.) has such gloomy skies, it's great to have something to look forward to. Happy New Year!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Hello, nice to meet you and thank you for co-hosting today!!! Happy New Year!! I didn't set any goals thus far, except to have at least one book published this year. said...

Thanks for co-hosting!I don't generally set goals at the beginning of the year. I tend to set goals throughout the year as I feel the need and requisite commitment to fulfill them.

Chemist Ken said...

I set goals, but I'm only so-so about actually completing them. Still, they do spur me to work harder on them throughout the year.

Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm going with Guidelines this year! Less stressful.

Thank you for co-hosting!


Krista McLaughlin said...

Setting goals for the new year is something I always do! Hopefully I can finish some of them this year. Thanks for co-hosting!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Making goals specific and measurable (among other things) makes them easier to achieve.

Erika Beebe said...

I love your topic. It's so true. I remember when I really decided to commit time and energy to writing. The journey began 7 years ago and I thought I was ready, but my skills were not up to par at that point. Now, after 7 years of committing to the writing process, I can see my own growth. It is what you become as you tackle your dreams. My goal this year is to begin a second manuscript and keep improving my writing skills. :)

Marsha said...

Great post, JQ. And wow! What a response. Loved the Zigler quote and so identified with your school comment. The school year is set up with new beginnings with each new 6 or 9 week we got a chance to start over to do it better. Even if we don't make whatever the goal was, we've moved farther toward the goal. That's important and should be celebrated. I'll share. :)

Susan Bernhardt said...

J.Q., I set a goal this year of writing two full days a week. I used to write part of most week days, but with my husband having just retired, I want to also spend time with him. I believe my writing is more productive since I have limited and made better use of my time. :) Happy New Year!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Thank you for co-hosting this month, J Q. Ah, goals. I'm working on mine. Will have them by this weekend. To organize my life is one of them. We'll see how that works.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, JQ,

Nice to meet.... thanks for hosting! I think this quote is perfect! I couldn't agree more. I am not one of those people who jot down lists of goals and resolutions. I just do my best. Life is unpredictable, no one can honestly set such high goals for themselves and expect each one to happen when they want it to... Making plans is fine as long as you are open minded enough to know that life throws us curve balls. We need to jump those hurdles and many times we will trip and fall... but that is okay... we just have to remember to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and start the journey again...

All the best for 2016!

Melissa Sugar said...

Thanks for co-hosting. I like your message about resetting your goals. I no longer make resolutions, but I have guidelines of ways I would like to improve my life and make things better for others, my family and myself. That's as far as I'm willing to go for resolutions. In the past they just seemed to set me up to fail and then I felt disappointed and discouraged. Nice connecting with you. I believe I am your newest blog follower. Happy New Year.

J.Q. Rose said...

Deborah-That's another approach--no resolutions. I've done that tool

Megan--I agree. Too many things going on during the holidays. It's fine to take some time to plan your goals before committing.

Bish--Thanks for the great advice.

Angela-Bite size chunks indeed!

J.Q. Rose said...

Elizabeth--Yay! Come on March. I bet you'll be at the gym in March!

Crystal--Ambitious goals. You can do it. Best wishes with the new audio book co start-up.

Susan--Thank you. I agree with your hubby.

Jacqui--I need to add patience and flexibility too!

Emaginette--Thank you, Anna.

Yolanda--That's wonderful. Meeting the goal is the aim. No time limit required.

J.Q. Rose said...

Kathy--Intentions is a milder word for goals/resolutions? Whatever works is fine.

Dean--I like calling it a to-do list. Thanks.

Loni--Thank you. Changing your diet is very difficult. Yeah, let's not go there.

Nicola-Thanks for stopping in.

LG-Hi fellow co-hoster. I'm having a blast hosting. Realistic is the key word.

J.Q. Rose said...

Juneta--Happy New Year to you!!

Karen--you are the second person calling them intentions. I'm thinking about that idea. Thanks.

CD--I agree that crossing off one goal is very satisfying.

Fundy--Thanks for stopping in today.

Nancy--I think in your case, starting the new year in September is acceptable. Best wishes with the move.

J.Q. Rose said...

Gail--You're welcome. You'll find some great writing tips in the guide.

Patsy--Hope you achieve what you plan. Best wishes!

T.Drecker--Yes, I hear ya'. It's tough to be flexible.

dolorah--Kudos to you. Proud of you sticking to your goals.

Diane--Hi fellow Michigander. I know about those dark winter days. I like your plan to not dwell on what you didn't accomplish.

Catherina-That's a BIG goal. You may want to break that down into smaller pieces. Best wishes!

Kim--That's a sensible plan.

J.Q. Rose said...

ChemistKen--Setting goals is a start. Thanks for stopping in.

HeatherM--Guidelines sound like kinder, gentler goals?

Krista--I like your attitude. You go, gir!

Sandra--I appreciate this helpful advice.

Erika--Writing, like everything we care about, takes practice. You have a wonderful understanding of this. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha--Celebrate moving farther toward the goal, indeed! Thanks for sharing.

J.Q. Rose said...

Susan--Glad you have worked out a schedule for your writing. Sounds like a good plan.

Beverly--Organize your life? That's a lofty goal. Proud of you for trying.

Michael--Thank you for your inspiring comment.Very practical advice.

Melissa--Thanks for following my blog, Melissa. We've had a few comments on determining guidelines for the year. I like the idea.

Anonymous said...

Hi JQ, I love the new year as it always seems like a chance to make a fresh start. My resolution is the same as last year - to write faster and be more productive! Whether I'll achieve this, only 2017 will tell :) Happy New Year to you, and very best of luck with your own resolutions!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I really love the quote on that picture!

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena--I hope you achieve and exceed yourplan for 2017. Thanks for stopping in.

Madilyn--Thanks. Glad you like the quote. It opened my eyes to the possibilities.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month! I agree that new goals can be set any time of year and I do need to make mine a little more specific so I can work on getting them done.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Elizabeth. I had a great time co-hosting. So much fun to "mneet" the writers and interact. Glad you're taking your time to make the goals specific. I think that's the key to achieving them. Happy New Year!

Michelle Wallace said...

Hi J.Q.

Hey co-host, I'm 6 days late but I made it here... *phew*
I love that quote.
You don't have to wait until January to set your goals. So right. Goals should be flexible and under constant revision as you tweak them to suit your changing circumstances.
Happy New Year!

J.Q. Rose said...

Jen--Re-evaluating your goals on your birthday is an excellent idea. Mine is in May. Connecting the birthday date would be a good nudge to actually remember to go back to my goals. Thanks for the tip!

Michelle--fellow co-hoster, you're never too late. I have some catching up to do yet too. Co-hosting was so much fun getting to meet so many writers. Happy New Year!!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I do tend to look at my goals for the coming year and my achievements for the previous year. I never did that until I got serious about my writing, so I only do it with writing stuff, really. Good luck with your goals this year, and I love the quote.

Jeffrey Scott said...

I actually started making goals in December. I didn't stick to them as hard-core as I'd like, but that doesn't mean I gave up on them either. When I decide to start setting goals, I'll write a list of what I'd like to work on each and every day. Then I try to make sure each day I do what is on the list. i.e. work out, write for an hour, read a book, study foreign language, etc. etc.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Shannon, I wasn't too goal oriented either till I knuckle-downed to making them for writing projects. Good luck with your goals too.

Jeffrey--I like to make daily plans too and love it when I can draw a line through one item and know it's done! Sounds like you're doing well. Keep up the good work!

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