Monday, January 11, 2016

Winding Up the Deadly Undertaking Book Blog Tour with a Flourish

Deadly Undertaking by J.Q. Rose 
What a fantastic week I've had visiting with so many authors at the Insecure Writers Support Group,participating in an interview with Joan Curtis, divulging five fun facts about moi with Kathy McIntosh, and sharing a short story at the Driving Blind Productions blog. I sure wound up my book blog tour for my myster/romance/paranormal,  Deadly Undertaking, with a flourish. 

I didn't realize how much fun it would be to co-host the Insecure Writers Support Group blog hop with L.G. Keltner  Denise Covey  Sheri Larsen  Chemist Ken  Michelle Wallace 

Over 200 bloggers participated in the blog hop. I only visited about 60 writers, so far. My IWSG blog post for the day exploded with comments! Alex J. Cavanaugh is the force behind this huge event. Find out all about the IWSG monthly support group at Alex's IWSG page and visit the IWSG page for lots of writing tips.

 One thing I never planned on when getting into this business of writing was the online friends I would make. People I never have met face-to-face, and yet, I feel very close to them. What a blessing that is. 

I also didn't count on the support and guidance writers offer to other writers. Competition doesn't seem to exist, only the honest desire that each writer succeed. For example, I put together an  e-book with writing tips from 15 romance and mystery authors. They were excited to have the opportunity to help other writers. We were all mystery and/or romance writers in this e-book and could be considered in competition for each others' readers. But instead, we all pitched in to help someone else to find an easier path to publication.

Click on the book cover below to check out  Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing: Writing Tips, Publishing, and Marketing.


If you missed the action this past week, here are the links to the blog posts. 

IWSG Blog Post

Huge thanks to my hosts.
Joan C. Curtis
Kathy McIntosh
Driving Blind Productions
with Heather Fraser Brainers

Thanks so much for visiting this page. I appreciate your interest in the J.Q. Rose blog and in my books and quirky characters. I look forward to more fun, contests, guests, prizes, and comments in the New Year 2016.


Marsha said...

Enjoyed your book, JQ and all of your blog posts! Have a super 2016! I've shared. :)

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Deadly Undertaking, JQ, and thanks for all the entertaining blog posts. I agree, the writing community is so supportive, and I, too, have made many friends through writing.
Best wishes for 2016, and I'm looking forward already to hearing what you have planned for your next book!

Unknown said...

You're more than welcome to visit Driving Blind any time, JQ! I agree that the supportiveness of the writing community has been a very welcome surprise, and a fantastic opportunity to make new friends.

emaginette said...

It does feel like a big bunch of cheerleaders rather than competitors. One of the many reasons I love IWSG. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha, Thank you! Deadly Undertaking was fun to write. Really appreciate your dedication to sharing the blog and FB posts. You've taught me to do the same. I think it really does help to spread the word.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks so much, Helena. I look forward to your comments on my blog posts. Happy 2016 to you too!

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, Heather. Just think I would never have met you if we hadn't become authors at MIU. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

So true, Anna. I like the cheerleaders idea. You're a smart cookie!!

Stephanie Faris said...

The IWSG is really an amazing thing, isn't it? When I first joined Blogger, I came over here from MySpace, which had a very strong blogging community back in 2006 or so. Without a community, the blogosphere is just a big mass of posts and you have no idea where to start. I eventually found Alex and the IWSG and that was exactly what I'd been looking for!

J.Q. Rose said...

Stephanie, so glad you found IWSG. I have been blogging there for only about a year and have met great people like you. Alex is a master at keeping it all together. Thank you for visiting my blog today!

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