Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop: Blogging Etiquette

Welcome to  the Internet Writers Support Group (IWSG) blog hop.  .

What is IWSG? Founder of the  Insecure Writer’s Support Group and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month.  The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page
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Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. I'm J. (Janet or Jan) Q. Rose.

Yes, this is a rendition of J.Q. Rose from my friend Miss Mae.
This drawing does resemble me quite a bit!!
Last month I co-hosted the IWSG event. I'll admit I was a bit nervous about doing it. But I discovered instead of being insecure about hosting, I was exhilarated by purposefully visiting over 70 bloggers. My head swam with all the amazing, brilliant, funny, talented, wise people who participated on this blog hop. 

Kudos to you all for being insecure! Hmm...that didn't come out exactly right. But if we didn't air our insecurities during this monthly  event, then there would be no need for the IWSG. So thanks for sharing your insecurities and thanks to those who are here to support us all and lift us up with their assurance and advice.

I appreciate Alex and all the co-hosters who keep these insecurities alive. Oh wait, that didn't come out right either.  Just plain thank you for all the folks behind the scenes and the many bloggers who allow us space to come together as a community every first Wednesday of the month.

I'm looking forward to visiting with you here and on your blogs. 

Questions for you.
 Photo by Master isolated images
Courtesy of
Blogging Etiquette by J.Q. Rose

I have a question for you about blogging etiquette. When I leave a comment, is it wrong to leave my # on the list or to leave my website addy? I ask this because I must admit I didn't get to visit some of the folks who left their comments on my blog because I couldn't find their blogs. 

When I clicked on the commenter's name, sometimes I would find their google profile with their blogs listed. At other times, the G+ page came up and no blog information. 

As far as I'm concerned, if you leave a comment below, you're welcome to leave your blog address so I can find you. I appreciate you taking time to visit my blog and I would like to return your kindness.

What do you think? Is it wrong to leave my # on the list or to leave my website addy when I comment on blogs? Thank you.
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Romance Readers Want to Know Thursdays on the J.Q. Rose Blog

Come back on Thursday, February 4 when author Nancy Bell kicks off the new series, Romance Readers Want to Know. She answers her readers' questions and is generously offering her e-book as a prize to a lucky commenter.

Visit Books We Love for 99 cent reads Valentine event.
Books We Love

Sharing a little love with my readers by offering my latest mystery,  Deadly Undertaking, for 99 cents this month. Visit my publisher, Books We Love, to discover a wide variety of full-length novels for 99 cents.

Deadly Undertaking Buy Links::


Erika Beebe said...

Not at all. I appreciate when you leave a link so I can also visit you. It makes it easy.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Erika. I need to learn the html to figure out how to make a nice link.

emaginette said...

I love this blog hop. Mostly because I'm not alone in how I feel. Sure I swing back and forth between insecure and secure, but so do the rest of us. There is comfort there. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Kathy McIntosh said...

Thanks for another useful post. I, too, wonder if I should (and how to) leave a link. So much to learn! I'm still waffling about IWSG, but it sure sounds like a good idea.

J.Q. Rose said...

Anna, Feeling the support is comforting. I love this hop too. I like that you left a beautiful link for me. What's the html coded to do this. I know there's a secret to it. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Kathy--don't waffle!! hee hee. Just jump right in!

Marsha said...

Hey JQ. Lots of blogs the first time you sign in ask for that. I just assumed it was available to the blog host....well, in looking below I see it's my email address and not my web site. Humm. I'll ask around, JQ, to others more saavy then I, but it doesn't seem pushy to me to add that # and I will mine. :) Oh, but maybe that not what you mean. LOL Sometimes its all so confusing. Thanks for a wonderful blog. I'll share.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Hi J.Q. I always leave my website address. I thought you were supposed to if asked??? I always love reading your posts. :)

Best wishes!

Chrys Fey said...

It's actually good to be insecure. It's great to leave a clickable website link in comments. I'm always in such a rush that I forget but it makes visiting easier when someone leaves it. The number may not be necessary though.

Juneta key said...

Actually I think it is polite to leave your web addy and I think its cool you leave the # you are on the hop. I am now #103. I have been faithfully posting since March 2014 in IWSG. So Yes I think it is good Etiquette to that info. I have made the most blogs this time around, but it has taken me 2 days to go to 72 so far. I am still blogging lol, Happy Belated IWSG Day.
Juneta Writer's Gambit

Tamara Narayan said...

That's helpful information, not rude at all! It takes extra time and effort to return a comment when you have to search for the person's web site.

Loni Townsend said...

I don't consider it rude, but I'm also on a different platform which allows the commentor to provide a website url, so I don't think to leave a link for myself. I'll often use the commentors on one blog to find other blogs.

If you get the G+ profile, you can click on the little i in the circle, after the person's name and before the triple dots. That usually lists any links they associated with their profile. (You can test on mine, if you'd like to see what I'm talking about) But it is a hunt, and perhaps people don't like to put forth the effort.


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