Monday, March 21, 2016

Why I Write by J.Q. Rose

Why I Write by J.Q. Rose
Why I Write by J.Q. Rose
Last night we attended a concert by Joseph Martin, a master pianist and composer of sacred music. When he played the piano, the music was so beautiful, tears surprised my eyes. Emotions of joy, inspiration, power, thankfulness filled the night as Mr. Martin shared his mastery of the piano and his anthems sung by our church choir. One after another were simply feeding my heart. What a gift he has for blessing others with his music.
Joseph Martin--Master of the Piano
Photo courtesy of by nuchylee

As I listened, I realized this is what I want to do for readers. I want to give them joy when they read my stories. If a reader finishes my book, and the story is one she will remember for the entertainment, the surprises, the humor and the emotions that played through her as she read, then I have accomplished my reason for writing.

What about you? Why do you write? And for the reader, what are you looking for in a book of fiction and/or non-fiction?

For more information about this world renowned composer and performer, go to Joseph Martin's website here.
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I'm adding a reader's guide to my e-book for middle grade girls, so I need to change the book cover. Here are a couple of ideas I'm working on. If you have time, I'd appreciate any feedback on the designs--fonts, colors, spacing, etc. Take a peek here. Designed using Thank you.

Book Cover #1 white background

Book Cover #2 solid red

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This Week:
Thursday, March 24--The Romance Readers Want to Know series will be suspended for this one week because of the celebration of Easter this Sunday. Come back Thursday, March 31. when author Diane Wickles rounds out our March guest authors. It will be her turn to answer questions from readers.

Look who's coming in April! You're invited to fire up those questions for the following authors:
7 Joselyn Vaughn
14 Spring Break
21 Sandra Cox
28 P.A. Estelle

Thank you for stopping in.


Unknown said...

I love your reason for writing. Your books have brought me joy, thrills, and laughter. Keep it up! (PS, I like the first cover.)

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Heather! That means a lot to me to know you came away with the joy and laughter too. And thanks for the vote on the book covers.

emaginette said...

I write for very selfish reasons. I brim with emotions that I don't always want and must release them. I put them down on paper, or into a computer. All life long venting evolved into storytelling.

Anna from elements of emaginette

Helena Fairfax said...

I loved this post, JQ, and your reasons for writing. It's important for writers to think of the reader first, and you do that with your books. Your stories have stuck with me, and I guess that's because of the emotional response when I'm reading.
I like the first cover. Love the energy in it!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna. Yes, getting it all out and down on paper is cathartic. Glad you have writing as an outlet of your emotions.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. I love this gal on the book cover jumping so high. She does exude energy and joy probably because she succeeded in achieving a goal. Anyway that's how I would like to think of it.

BL Hamilton said...

I write because I'd go insane if I didn't.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey BL, I agree with that reason. Those characters nag me all the time to get their story down. Thank you for stopping in.

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