Thursday, May 19, 2016

Romance Readers Want to Know: Mystery Author Marsha R. West, Giveaway

Romance Readers Want to Know
Every Thursday on the J.Q. Rose blog
Hello and welcome.
I'm delighted to welcome a frequent blogger on the J.Q. Rose blog, my friend and fellow mystery author, Marsha R. West. Marsha shares several questions from readers this week. You're invited to ask her a question about her writing too. Just ask it in the comment section below and/or leave a comment to enter the drawing for her book, Second Act.
Marsha is having a GIVEAWAY of the first book in her series, Second Act. For a chance to win, you just need to sign up for her newsletter  and comment here at this blog. Please let her know in your comment if you already receive her newsletter.

Thank you, Marsha!!

What Readers Want to Know by Marsha R. West

Thanks for asking me to be a part of this series, JQ. I’ve really enjoyed reading other authors' answers.

When did you first consider yourself a writer? This is tough. Probably not until my first book, VERMONT ESCAPE, (the 4th one I wrote) was released. I remember the thrill when I went on B & N, and Amazon and found it by title with my name on it. Well, heh, it’s still a thrill. J

             Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? I’d say I travel some because of writing and my books. I attend conferences and book signings. Some of the places we visit on vacation, I’m able to include in my books. ACT OF TRUST is set in a small harbor town I built after a visit to Boothbay Harbor, Maine.
Do you have any advice for other writers? Keep on keeping on. It’s a hard business. Rejection hurts. Pick yourself up. Take another online class or attend a conference, hone your skills, and keep on writing.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? It’s probably the importance of family and never giving up on each other.
How much of your books is realistic? Well, the stories are made up, but my intention is for the situations to feel realistic. I draw a lot from personal experiences and knowledge. I also research when I don’t know something I need.
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Second Act by Marsha R. West
Romantic suspense
Back of the Book: Second Act by Marsha R. West
When a member of the board of a non-profit arts agency in Fort Worth turns up dead, the homicide detective assigned to the case looks at everyone involved in the organization, including the Executive Director.
Excerpt: Second Act, Book 1 The Second Chances Series
“We had full houses during the run of the show, but we didn’t make enough to pay for the production. You have failed consistently to bring in shows on or under budget. I won’t let you continue to drown us in red ink.”    
Addison Jones shoved the pages on her desk in his direction. Her artistic director glanced at the sheets and broke into hysterical laughter. Chills scampered down her back like mice escaping a cat. The man was a creative genius and scary as hell right now, but Addie wouldn’t cut him any slack on the financial issue. She’d given him enough second chances to last two careers.
“Being executive director doesn’t give you the power to fire me, unless you get the support of a supermajority of the board.” His lip curled into a sneer that matched his voice. “And you don’t have that.” He stood up and walked toward the door. His knuckles whitened on the knob before he yanked it open and turned to face her.
“Don’t screw with me, Addison. You’ll lose.” His whiny tone switched to a menacing one.
Her face warmed with the rush of blood at his language. She stood, met his gaze, and clenched her hands into such tight balls the nails cut into her palms. “You mess with this theatre, and I’ll make you sorry, Clay Bennett.”
Buy Link
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About Marsha:
Author Marsha West
Marsha R. West, writes Romance, Suspense, and Second Chances. Experience Required. MuseItUp Publishing released her first book, VERMONT ESCAPE, in July 2013. Marsha released the print version of the first book in the fall of 2014. Her second book, TRUTH BE TOLD, was e-released by MIU in May 2014. Both of these are now also out in print. She released (both in print and electronic) her third book, SECOND ACT, Book 1 of the Second Chances Series, in March 2015, Find out more at She’d love to hear from you.

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Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Thanks for having me today. It's been a fun series. I'll pop back in later to chat with your visitors.

Diana Belchase said...

Fun interview!

Marsha said...

Hey, Diana. Thanks. JQ always has a cool theme going on over here. Appreciate the support. :)

Susan Bernhardt said...

Great interview, Marsha and J.Q.! I love Marsha's mysteries. I've read 3 of the 4 and they are excellent. Looking forward to reading Act of Trust.

You can't go wrong with a Marsh West novel.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey Marsha, so happy to have you here today.Here's a question for ya'. Who influenced you to become a writer?

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment.

J.Q. Rose said...

Susan, I love Marsha's stories too. This series uses her expertise in theater, a favorite one for me.

Marsha said...

Hey, Susan. Thanks for the kind words. I think you'll enjoy ACT OF TRUST. It's set in Maine.Thanks for stopping by JQ's.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. That's something of a long story if you're talking about recently. I'm not sure why I wrote when I was a kid. I mostly wrote plays back then. Frustrated actor, I guess. LOL And of course, all writers begin as readers. When my mom was ill (and she & my dad started me as a reader by reading to me every night before I went to sleep when I was very small., I devoured romantic suspense novels. Nothing beats romantic suspense (or mystery) to escape. One day I mentioned to one of my husband's friends that I'd read so many I thought I could write one if I knew what to write about. He said, Write about the scandal in the school district you know about that. I'd been off the school board for a few years, but he was right, I had my subject. The rest as they say is history. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Marsha, you give great answers to those questions. I especially agree with "keep on keeping on," and I so remember the thrill of seeing my first book and my name on Amazon. I've read Second Act and loved it. You talk about realism in your books and I really felt you'd portrayed a realistic situation but with the added suspense to keep the reader turning the pages. Hope you are still finding time to write alongside your move.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha, how fortunate you mentioned about writing a book to the right person to trigger a story! Thanks for sharing this.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, I enjoyed Second Act too. Thank you for stopping in and leaving a comment.

emaginette said...

Nice to meet you, Marsha. Best of luck in your future. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Anna. Thanks for stopping in.

Focus on Books Guest Author Marsha R. West, New Release--DETERMINED #romantic suspense

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