Thursday, May 12, 2016

Romance Readers Want to Know: Three Questions for Janet Lane Walters, giveaway

Romance Readers Want to Know Series
Every Thursday on the J.Q. Rose Blog
Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog and another chance to ask an author a question or two or three. This week I'm delighted to welcome another Books We Love author, multi-published Janet Lane Walters. Janet, a prolific author, has graciously offered to award a print copy of one of her many books to a lucky commenter. Deadline for entry is Saturday, May 14 at 6 pm EDST.

Now let's find out what three questions readers ask her the most. Remember, you're invited to leave a question for Janet too.

Three Questions for Janet Lane Walters

One question I'm always asked. What advice do you have for new authors?
Years ago I went to an all day writer's conference. I can't remember the name of the author giving the workshop but I do remember one thing he said. "Finish the book. Don't worry about making it pretty just write the book." 

To this I'd like to add something that has become important to me. Write every day. Set a goal. Make the goal a small one, say, one page. This is about 250 words. If you do this every day for a year you have 365 pages. More than a book. As you become comfortable with reaching this goal, you can increase the word count. You will find that suddenly the 250 words becomes 500 and then more. If you are going to be away from a chance to write for several days, try to write ahead. With practice producing words becomes easier.
Second question - Why do you choose to write in a number of genres?
The answer to this is that I'm easily bored. Writing the same kind of book over and over would see me giving up the craft I love very much. Also this is because I tend to read just about anything. I enjoy writing contemporary stories since they keep me grounded in the past. The historicals I write are generally either based on reincarnation or alternate worlds using some of the material I research and change a bit or perhaps more. I also do some mysteries and enjoy solving the puzzles I encounter when I'm creating those worlds. Being published electronically has given me the freedom to explore the various sub-genres. There are two kind of books I wouldn't write. One is those science filled stories with technology. I love reading them but don't have the mind set to write them. The other his horror. I do not read unless I'm judging an entry for a contest. Even then I cringe. I'm chicken and I do not like to be frightened by words.
Third question - How do you develop your characters?
I use an abbreviated Astrological way to develop my character. I use their Sun Sign to depict their inner nature. These are the things important to them both their good and bad parts. The Moon Sign then shows their emotional nature. This is the way they react to things and may be in conflict with their inner nature. The Ascendant is used to show the face they show the world. This may or may not be in conflict with both their emotional responses and their inner qualities. I find this system gives me a variety of ways to depict a character. There are twelve signs in each of the three areas and multiplying these can make for a host of characters.
 * * *
Seducing the Chef by Janet Lane Walters
Back of the Book: Seducing the Chef by Janet Lane Walters
Allie Blakefield, editor of Good Eatin' wants to do a feature on Five Cuisines a restaurant across the river from NY City. Her father forbids the feature and won't say why. She's not one to sit back and be ruled by someone. She borrows a friend's apartment. While leaning over the balcony she sees a handsome dark haired man doing a Yoga routine. He looks up and she is struck by the Blakefield curse. Love at first sight. 

The pair start a hot and heavy romantic interlude. She visits the restaurant and is recognized by Greg, the chef's mother. The woman goes ballistic and the affair is broken. Can Allie learn what's going on and rescue her love?

About Janet Lane Walters:
Janet Lane Walters has been among the published since 1968. Her career began with short stories and poetry until the day when an editor told her the
Author Janet Lane Walters
recently submitted short story sounded like the synopsis for a novel. She set out learning a new direction. Time was taken out to return to work as a nurse to help children through college and earn two degrees, A BA in English and a BS in nursing. As well as writing a lot of novels, she doesn't keep track, she has also dabbled in ghost writing and non-fiction. She's the mother of four, her youngest an adopted bi-racial daughter. She has seven grandchildren. Four are biracial and three are Chinese. Like her writing she likes to think of her family as eclectic.

Please leave a comment below. We'd love to hear from you. And you may be the winner of th drawing for Janet's book! Thank you for stopping in.


J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Janet, We Janets have to stick together. Glad you're here this week sharing the three questions your readers ask you most often.

Ann Herrick said...

Interesting interview and good advice!

BWL Publishing Inc. said...

I love the idea of using astrological signs to delve into the characters' inner selves. Very clever approach and having read many of your books - I'm a big fan - I can definitely attest to the results. Jude

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Ann, Thanks for stopping in. I agree Janet shared some helpful advice.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Jude, I have never heard of constructing characters according to the astrological signs. Very clever and what a wealth of characters are available. Thank you for visiting.

Tricia McGill said...

It's always interesting to learn something new about fellow authors. Your family sounds just what I would have expected from such a prolific and eclectic writer. Great interview and such a good idea to use astrological signs to create your characters.

Janet Lane Walters said...

Janet, From one to another. Thanks for having me.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Tricia, Prolific and eclectic indeed! Thank you for stopping by.

J.Q. Rose said...

Janet, it's a pleasure to know more about your writing process. Delighted to have you here!

Anonymous said...

Another great post, JQ, and what an interesting way to develop your characters, Janet. I love that idea. And I love the blurb to your latest release. It really pulled me in!

Juliet Waldron said...

An inspiration to us all--Janet Lane Walters! --and I've been trying to follow her advice, especially writing every day, whether I think I have time or not. I'm still s-l-o-w but it helps! Good luck with your latest!

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, thanks so much for your kind words. Janet is an accomplished writer with lots of books under her belt. You'd enjoy her books.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Juliet, Good for you writing every day. The more you write, the quicker you can!Keep up the good work.

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