Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Favorite Books on Writing by J.Q. Rose, Intentions for 2017

Make it happen!
Welcome to the J.Q. Rose Blog!

This is the year you are going to make things happen in your life! I know you've thought about and perhaps already written down your resolutions, goals, or intentions for the year.

If you're a writer, new or experienced, or even thinking about writing, I hope the list of books on writing will spur you on and keep you going to achieve your 2017 writing goals.

I presented a month long workshop on creative writing for our county schools' continuing education program. Working with these terrific, creative groups of adults inspires me. Their enthusiasm for writing is contagious. Their questions and ideas energize for my own writing projects. And my constant research to present the different elements of writing was an adventure in discovery.
I tried to introduce and expand on as many topics as I could in that short time–character development, dialogue, plot, theme, setting, conflict, POV, show, don’t tell, and more. On top of all this, we devoted time to writing and sharing.
For the class I relied on Stephen King’s book On Writing and Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones as resources. I'm including the list of books I gave to the participants. They would be great additions to a writer's library. Do you have outstanding books you would suggest for new and veteran writers?
Books on Writing

Compiled by J.Q. Rose
Author: Anne Lamott
Chicago Manual of Style
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Author: The Editors of Writer’s Digest
How to be a Writer: Building Your Creative Skills Through Practice and Play
Author: Barbara Baig
The Elements of Style
Author: William Strunk and E.B.White.
Author: Stephen King
Publisher: Scribner
On Writing Well
Author: William Zinsser
Author: Francine Prose
Writers on Writing: Collected Essays from The New York Times
Editor: John Darnton
Author: Natalie Goldberg

The Art of Memoir

Author: Mary Karr

The Emotion Thesaurus

Authors: Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi

The Story Template

Author: Amy Deardon

Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an Outstanding Story

Author: K.M. Weiland

The Insecure Writers Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond (FREE)

Compiled by Alex J. Cavanaugh

Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing: Tips on the Writing Process, Publishing and Marketing

Compiled by J.Q. Rose with15 author contributors 

AND there's MORE! Blogger and author Joan Y. Edwards lists books on the craft of writing. Get the list here. Thank you, Joan!

Happy New Year 2017

Last week on my friend Nan Sanders Pokerwinski's blog, she asked her friends to respond to this question--What is one way you hope to enhance (or exercise) your creativity OR increase your connection (with other people, with the natural world, with causes you champion) OR foster contentment (your own or someone else's) in 2017? 

HeartWood--Written from the heart,
from the heart of the woods
--Nan Sanders Pokerwinski
I'm thrilled I could be a part of the exercise. Nan has a diverse group of friends who answered with wit and wisdom. Take a peek at their responses and be inspired to make your intentions happen in 2017! Click here to go to the post on her HeartWood blog.


Pat Garcia said...

Every time, I feel the urge to read one of your postings, I discover a book I need to read or learn something new. Thanks for this great post.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia

Helena Fairfax said...

Happy New Year, JQ! Thanks for the list. There are quite a few titles on here I haven't read. I look forward to checking them out!
Your friend Nan posed a great question. I aim to spend more time actually writing and less time day-dreaming. Day-dreaming is where I get all my ideas - but I need to strike a healthier balance!
All good wishes to you for 2017!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Pat. Glad I could direct you to another book! I appreciate your kind words.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena. I actually got the idea to list these books because you do such a great job of sharing your faves on your blog posts. I guess writers do have a tendency to daydream. It's the sitting down and writing them down that causes the problem!! Thanks for visiting.

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. What a great list of resources. I love Strunk and White and my other favorite is SELF EDITING FOR FICTION WRITERS by Browne and King. Both were recommended to me after I entered my first contest with my first book. Along with learning about GMC, when I didn't even know what those letters meant. Always important to keep learning and authors helping other authors is great for everyone. I'm focused on finishing the 3rd book in my series. Once I got started on it after the new year, the words have just flown. Kind of eerie how it's working. I'll share your great post.

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear J.Q.,
Thanks for sharing a link to my list of books for writers with your illustrious readers! It's interesting to me that writers always want to learn more and more and even more. The more we learn, the better we write. The more we read, the better we write. The more we write, the better we read. It all works together, doesn't it?

Good luck with your writing. Thanks for sharing your writing knowledge when you taught your workshop!

You are one sweet and talented lady.

Never Give Up

Sandra Cox said...

Great post, J.Q., and several writing books I haven't read.
I'm currently reading Story Genius. So far, thumbs up.
Have a great weekend, my friend.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for the tip, Marsha. I can always use some help in editing.

J.Q. Rose said...

Joan, you're welcome. I pour over your list of resources when you post them. You have so much information on your site That saying, you're never too old to learn" certainly applies for me.Thank you.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Sandra, Thanks for noting Story Genius. Love Genius in the title!!

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