Thursday, July 6, 2017

Readers Circle: G. L. Rockey's The Journalist, Giveaway

Summer Readers Circle
J.Q. Rose blog every Friday

Hello and welcome to the J Q Rose blog. 
This week, contemporary fiction author, G.L. Rockey takes his seat in the Readers Circle. This author has his finger on the pulse of today's news in his latest release, The Journalist.

G.L. has generously offered to give away a digital copy of The Journalist to a lucky commenter. Please leave a comment to be entered in the drawing. Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July 11, 10 p.m. EDST.
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G.L is sharing an interview with questions asked by our publisher, Books We Love. Check out his entertaining answers, then find out more about his contemporary thriller, The Journalist.

BWL: Why did you choose the genre you write in? Is it your favorite to read, or another reason?
G.L. Rockey: Like a lady reporter/reviewer once wrote, "He writes in all genres." I like to read first person stuff like Nelson DeMille's Plum Island . . .

BWL: Describe yourself using 5 words.
G.L. Rockey: Unfinished, unfinished, unfinished, unfinished, unfinished

BWL: What might readers be surprised to learn about you?
G.L. Rockey: I once directed David Letterman when he was a part time TV weather man at WLWI-TV in Indianapolis. I was a TV director. Letterman was also a booth announcer (did tags for commercials, etc.) I told him over headsets when to "announce", "stand by," etc.

BWL: What was your favorite book as a child or young adult?
G.L. Rockey: I didn't read as a child or young adult, managed to get a B.A. by going to class, listening to lectures . . . started reading books around 23 when I woke up one rainy night in Sullivan, Indiana and thought about writing one. It tuned our to be the novel, Time & Chance.

BWL: What super power would you like to have and how would you use it?
G.L. Rockey: To have wings, fly...bypass long airport lines and airplanes . . . get to warm islands around the equator . . .

THE JOURNALIST – Taking FAKE NEWS to a higher level
Contemporary thriller

BACK OF THE BOOK: Set in 2020, fake “breaking news” video is presented to TV stations and leads to a media “feeding frenzy,” riots, charges of terrorism, and enactment of martial law.

“...captivating book...had me reading quickly to follow the developments as they occurred...extremely believable characters...the writing is very well executed to stir up so much in the reading.” Angie Mangino

“ has frightening ring of truth...compelling...” Sam Boyer, Brunswick Sun Times

“Thrilling...captures you in the opening sentence and hold you spellbound till the will also scare the socks off you...a must read.” Kim Gaona

photo of G. L. Rockey
Author G.L. Rockey
G. L. Rockey has worn many hats–construction worker; drama student; car salesman; adjunct college teacher; television cameraman, producer/director, program executive; restaurant manager; free-lance writer, and author. By way of Carnegie Mellon Drama Department and Michigan State University, he pursued a career in the television industry. From Providence to Phoenix and cities in between, he produced and directed a variety of television programs and managed TV station programming. While program manager at KTSP-TV in Phoenix, he represented NATPE (National Association of Television Program Executives) to Germany. He has a master's degree from Cleveland State University and taught a course there. 

His writing includes, Five Star Review, a young novelist’s encounter with Satan. Other works of fiction are: Truths of the Heart, a college professor’s love affair; The Journalist, a five-star thriller with a "freighting ring of truth"; Time & Chance, a mystery/suspense set in Nashville; and a collection of sixteen "off-the-wall" short stories, Bats in the Belfry, Bells in the Attic
Also published is a nonfiction book, From the Back of the House-Memories of a Steak House Clan. 



Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. GL (lots of initials floating around here. :) your book sounds scarily prescient. I hope it turns out to be fiction, but unless we're very careful, it might not.
Is the book told in first person? Why did you choose to tell it that way?

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha, I thought the same thing about all the initials while I was putting this together! Shhh, don't tell anyone, but his name is Gary. Not sure what L is. GL--do you want to divulge what name begins with L? Great questions for GL. Thanks for stopping in,

glrockey said...

L is for Lee, don't ask me why. Last name started out as Marsico, then Ferra, then Rockey, long story working on now tentative title FISH HOUSE... The Journalist is not in first person, it was a first attempt and, although Zack and I share thoughts, it just grew into into a novel.

J.Q. Rose said...

GL--My middle name is Lee too after Robert E. Lee via my grandmother. Sounds like you could write a novel about your last name too!

J.Q. Rose said...

Congratulations to Marsha West, winner of GL's political thriller, The Journalist.

seomonster said...

This is truly an practical and pleasant information for all. Thanks for sharing this to us and more power משה נסטלבאום

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