Thursday, July 27, 2017

Summer Readers Circle: Marsha R. West's Act of Betrayal, Giveaway

Welcome mystery author Marsha R. West to the Readers Circle!

Hello. Thank you for joining us in the Summer Readers Circle. My friend and mystery author, Marsha R. West, takes her seat in the circle this week. I've enjoyed reading Marsha's Second Chances series. Looking forward to the third book, ACT OF BETRAYAL, coming in September. Let's catch up with Marsha and her writing projects.

Welcome, Marsha!! What's next in your writing projects?

Catching Up with Marsha R. West
Thanks, Janet.

I'm excited to be back on JQ’s blog and a part of her Summer Readers Circle. Thanks so much for your help with the 99 Cent sale we just concluded, JQ. But don’t despair if anyone missed out on that. Leaving a comment on JQ’s blog gets you a chance to win a FREE copy of VERMONT ESCAPE or TRUTH BE TOLD, the two books that were just on sale last week.

Now about what’s next? I’m releasing my 6th book in September. ACT OF BETRAYAL is Book 3 in the Second Chances Series. Have only just released the cover yesterday on my own blog. Love what my cover artist, Charlie Volnek, does with the limited info I send her.

The series involves the lives of four friends in their 40's who met when they were kids in summer camp. Each woman has loved and lost and had struggles. The books reveal how they deal with those struggles and also show the joy of having close friends who will do anything for you. Each book is a stand-alone, but common characters show up in each one. (This will probably be my last series. Book 4 will come out next year. But oh, golly, it’s hard to write a series, keeping up with where everyone was in the last book and does it make sense in the current one. LOL I, too, love reading them for the familiarity, but goodness they are a pain to write.)
ACT OF BETRAYAL by Marsha R. West
Releasing in September!
Back of the Book: ACT OF BETRAYAL by Marsha R. West
A self-employed cosmetics company owner in Dallas, Devon Moore, wants to save her company from bankruptcy, but her ex-husband’s embezzlement sends her into dangerous waters trying to pay back his clients, replace the money he stole from her company and keep her, her daughter, and her parents safe.
Private Investigator, Brett Townsend, wants to find who is threatening his new client and locate the missing money. He suspects the beautiful Devon hasn’t been completely honest with him. A wife, even an ex-wife, has to know, doesn’t she? When she is attacked twice and her daughter is kidnapped, he adjusts his thinking. 
Despite Brett’s initial doubts about whether Devon really knew about the money her ex-husband stole, still he’s attracted to the redheaded beauty and admires her love of her daughter for whom she will do anything. Their attraction for each other sizzles under the surface of all they do.
Will they reclaim the hidden money and find the bad guys in time to save her business and the lives of her daughter, parents, and Devon?

Soon, ACT OF BETRAYAL will be available for Pre-Order on Amazon, B & N, and KOBO.  
I’ve gotten about 10,000 words toward book 4, ACT OF SURVIVAL, but I think I may have started in the wrong place. ☹ I’ll take a short break from it to concentrate on publication of and marketing for ACT OF BETRAYAL. 

I’m also getting ready for a 4-day presentation in October at Texas Christian University on Indie Publishing. I haven’t used what few skills I had in making a Power Point in many years. Should be fun after I get through the technology part.
VERMONT ESCAPE by Marsha R. West
Romantic suspense

TRUTH BE TOLD by Marsha R. West
Romantic suspense

Remember, a comment gets you in a drawing for an e-copy of either VERMONT ESCAPE or TRUTH BE TOLD.

Thanks again for hosting me, JQ. I appreciate being a part of your Summer Readers Circle.

Does the prospect of a Free book prompt you to comment on a blog or FB or does it depend on what kind of book it is? Love to hear from you.

Visit Marsha's Interview on the JQ Rose blog here and 

her travelogue about Red River, NM here.

About Marsha:
Author Marsha West
Marsha R. West, writes Romance, Suspense, and Second Chances. Experience Required. MuseItUp Publishing released her first book, VERMONT ESCAPE, in July 2013. Marsha released the print version of the first book in the fall of 2014. Her second book, TRUTH BE TOLD, was e-released by MIU in May 2014. Both of these are now also out in print. She released (both in print and electronic) her third book, SECOND ACT, Book 1 of the Second Chances Series, in March 2015, Find out more at She’d love to hear from you.

Connect online with Marsha--
Sign up for Marsha's NEWSLETTER at
Check out Marsha's web site ,
Sign up for Marsha's blog

# # #
Join us next Friday, August 4, in the Readers Circle
when another dear friend and talented
author Miss Mae joins us in the circle.


Helena Fairfax said...

Hi Marsha,
Good to find out more about your new release on JQ's blog. I love the premise of it - you can sense the tension! I can see how it must be really hard to write a series. I only wrote two interlinking books and it really exercised my brain power.
I have copies of your two books already. Thanks for the offer. I'm looking forward to reading the next. Best of luck with release!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helena, I'm looking forward to this new story too! Thank you for stopping by.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Wonderful post, Marsha and J.Q. I have read all of your books up to date. The premise of your new books sounds interesting. Best wishes on all of your endeavors, Marsha. You are one dedicated author! :)

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Thanks so much for hosting me here. I love your themed blog posts. So smart of you. I've shared on all my loops. RWA is meeting in Orlando this week, and many folks are out of touch. :)

Marsha said...

Hey, Helena. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Your support means so much to me. The series thing is so brain taxing! :) I say never now, but you know. Never say never. LOL

Marsha said...

Hey, Susan. Appreciate you always being wherever I'm posting and being supportive. I think we'll both have books releasing in September. That will be fun. I'll host you on my blog.:) Love how the three of us support each other.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Susan, Thanks for coming in. We appreciate your support!

Focus on Books Guest Author Marsha R. West, New Release--DETERMINED #romantic suspense

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