Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Thinking of Disaster Survivors, Donating to Disaster Relief

Dipping my toes in Lake Michigan
Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog!

My hubby, Gardener Ted, and I are escaping from the routine of life and camping along the Lake Michigan shoreline near Ludington, Michigan. Yes the east side of Lake Michigan with wide sandy beaches and marvelous dunes and a lake so large you cannot see the other side. And for my friends along the oceans, NO SALT. !!!

We used to bring our kids to the lake to swim and dive through the waves. Now those kids have their own kids (our grandkids.) We've taken several camping trips with those children too to the lake shore. Times change, kids grow up, we grow older, life is different.

Camping is different too. The campers have become condos on wheels. Even tenting is different with all the amenities and equipment to make camping easy and convenient. 

My mother always said, "Nothing is more certain than change." And though we don't want to accept change, we all have to be able to accept changes. Those who have survived dangerous fires, shattering earthquake, and deadly hurricanes are wishing their lives were "routine." They have a lot to adjust to in their lives. My heart goes out to them and their families and friends. Returning to a demolished home and community can be overwhelming. Please don't lose hope. Caring people will be there to help you accept the changes and move on. We care.

Caring people are donating money, goods, and time to help with disaster relief. If readers want to help, I want to caution you to only give to reputable charities. Unfortunately there are rotten individuals who will try and scam good-hearted people. Be wary.

I personally recommend UMCOR. One hundred percent of every dollar you give goes to help with disaster relief. Click here to visit the UMCOR site and how you can donate to them.

I am a praying woman and I am praying for all involved in these disasters. 

Do you have a trusted charity you can recommend to readers?

Thank you for stopping by this week. Next week we will return to "writerly matters."


Marsha said...

Lovely post, JQ. Your mom was correct, and it's so hard for some of us. Others roll with changes more easily. But what the poor folks along the Texas & Louisiana coast and the State of Florida and the Virgin Islands! Hard to imagine the devastation. Thank goodness there are folks who are helping.
We had North Texas Giving Day sponsored by Communities in Schools. It lets us specify where our money goes. Just saw an email that announced our community had raised $39 million! We are a generous country. I like to give to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. 100 % of it's money goes directly to help people in need. I'm not familiar with UMCOR. Will have to check it out. I'll share. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved your post, JQ. These violent weather patterns seem to be happening more frequently all around the world. I can't imagine the devastation and loss for all those involved.
My Muslim neighbour has a similar expression to your mum's: "Life is change." Some changes are devastating. My heart goes out to all those affected.

J.Q. Rose said...

Marsha--you do have a giving community. Very generous. UMCOR is like the PDA but through the United Methodist Church. Thanks for sharing

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. I like "Life is change." We all understand that, but it is so difficult to accept when as you say the changes are devastating. Thank you for stopping by.

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