Tuesday, December 5, 2017

IWSG Blog Hop: What I Would Have Done Differently in 2017, Announcing Mystery/Paranormal Book Release in December

Hello and welcome to the J.Q. Rose blog. 
Time for the monthly meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group(IWSG) blog hop! 

Internet Writers Support Group Blog Hop
First Wednesday of every month.
What is IWSG? Founder of the  Insecure Writer’s Support Group and author Alex J Cavanaugh explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.

The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page. I hope you'll take some time to visit the diverse list of bloggers.

IWSG Question for the Month

Question: As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?

When my publisher, Books We Love Publishing, accepted my mystery/paranormal novel in June, I knew had a release date in December. Did I finish up the manuscript and send it right in? No, I didn't. 

I worked on the story most of the summer with my fabulous writers group. But I dilly-dallied putting it all together. It was a scramble for me to get it in on time to have a pre-order page for the book ready. 

Did I get the images and the promotion material ready so I could shout about the new release? No. I'm working now on images in canva and planning out the promotions/marketing. 

I guess I'm a procrastinator and need that extra surge of having a deadline to meet to get me motivated. How about you?

To answer the question, yes I would have done it all differently--finish the manuscript right away and make plans for promoting earlier. 

December 15 is the release date for Terror on Sunshine Boulevard. Today, I'm thrilled to reveal the book cover by Michelle Lee and the info on this re-release plus of the original novella, Sunshine Boulevard with my friends at IWSG.
* * * *
Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose
Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed or investigating mysterious murders 
are not the usual calls in a Florida retirement community for volunteer first responder Jim Hart.
First Responder

Back of the Book:  Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed or investigating mysterious murders are not the usual calls for first responder Jim Hart. He expects slip and fall accidents or low blood pressure emergencies in his retirement community of Citrus Ridge Senior Community and Golf Resort. The ghastly crime scenes turn the winter time fun into a terrifying season of death and mystery when the authorities cannot track down the predator responsible.

Jim and his wife Gloria could escape the horror and grief by returning to their northern home, but concern for their friends and residents keep them in Florida. With the entire community in a dither over the deaths, the Harts participate in the normal winter activities of golfing, dancing, and pool parties with their friends to distract them from the sadness and loss.

Can Jim and Gloria work with the authorities to discover who or what is killing the seniors on Sunshine Boulevard and stop the increasing body count?

Now available to pre-order at 


Juneta key said...

Beautiful Cover. Now I wonder where you did your research? LOL, just kidding. Sounds like a great read. Wishing you much success. You should think about appearing in my Author Spotlight. Let me know and I will mark a date for ya.

Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks, Juneta.I love the cover too. Hmmm...I wonder if my FL friends and neighbors might find themselves in this book. hee hee Yes, I'll contact you for a spotlight segment. Thank you.

Pat Garcia said...

Congratulations are in order and I congratulate you! I also look forward to reading the book. I find it so helpful that you mentioned the things that you wish you'd done because I found about those things the year and did all of them except one. Now all I need is a publisher, which I am working on. Things like author website, author page on Goodreads, setting up my author email account and also back and front cover blurbs were things I didn't have before. So, your sharing your list of things you would have done have helped me check and see if there are things that I can do before I get a publisher.
Have a great December, J.Q. Take care of yourself and cross over safely into 2018. I'm looking forward to seeing you here on IWSG.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Helena Fairfax said...

Hello JQ, many congratulations on your re-release. I love the cover! I've just pre-ordered my copy on Amazon UK. Looking forward to reading!

Julie Flanders said...

I'm a terrible procrastinator too so I can relate! But it looks like things definitely came together in the end. Congratulations to you and best of luck for all kinds of success with the book!

Great to meet you through co-hosting the IWSG this month. :)

Nan P said...

Congrats on the launch, and thanks for sharing the what-I'd-do-differently tips.

Chrys Fey said...

I can procrastinate when it comes to writing, but when it comes to a release date or marketing, I can't. I start planning and doing immediately. Good luck!

Diane Burton said...

Sounds like we all procrastinate. Best wishes on this new release. I'd love to celebrate it on my blog. Send me an email at: dmburton72@gmail.com (Offer goes to all IWSG'ers).

emaginette said...

Looks awesome and just in time for Christmas. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

J.Q. Rose said...

HI Pat, so many things to keep track of--writing kind of takes a back seat to promoting. Thanks so much for your kind words.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. This pre=order is new for me. I love ordering books with it as a reader and now enjoying it as a writer!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Julie, good to meet you too. Thanks for co-hosting!!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Nan. I'm excited about this launch and getting this book into the hands of readers.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Chrys, I've learned my lesson on planning the marketing. Even without the book cover, I could still get the plans done. Thanks.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, Thank you for the offer to host me (and all the IWSGers). Will definitely take you up on that!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hey Anna, I love awesome. Thanks.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congrats! I bet you gave your publisher a good scare.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Diane, yes I bet I did scare her. You would think of that side of it!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Love the new book oover and I just pre-ordered. I really identify with you on the procrastination. At some point you just have to let go of the book, but I really struggle with that and then I put off doing the sale stuff. But fortunately, we get to do this business and we can always learn. I'll help spread the word. Marsha

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