Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blogging From A to Z Challenge: Going On and On and On and On and....

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog by J.Q. Rose. Are you a word lover? You're here at the right place. All this month I'll be revealing words that fascinate me. 

a prolonged lamentation or complaint; 
 a cautionary or angry harangue, Merriam Webster Dictionary

Jeremiad is derived from Jeremiah, a Jewish prophet who is known for his lamentations on the hardships endured by a prophet with an unpopular message. He carried on and on about Hebrews and accusing them of false worship and injustice. He also complained about the king and his selfishness and materialism. In the Bible’s Old Testament in the book of Jeremiah, he lamented about the hardships endured by a prophet with an unpopular message. Poor Jeremiah.

Nowadays, English speakers use the term "Jeremiah" to describe a pessimistic person and "jeremiad" for the way these Jeremiahs carry on. Merriam Webster Dictionary

I bet you have heard jeremiads from friends and family on today’s hot topics. How do you respectfully handle someone who goes on and on and on? Please leave a comment below and help us all out with this problem.
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Promotional Opportunity at Focused on Story 
We kicked off a new guest author series, The Five W's in Story, in March. I've suspended this event during this April Challenge because I like to allow my guest 6 days of exposure on this blog to reach the largest audience possible. I value the time the guest takes to put together the blog post and their books, so I want to allow readers as much time as possible to meet the person and his/her work.
The 5 W's Guest Author Event
So what are the 5 W's? 
One of the basics when learning to be a writer is to listen to a lecture on the Five W's and the H. The 5 W's, who, what, where, when. and why are the essence of a story.  Since we are focused on story at this blog, we need to realize just how important working out the 5 W's can be in creating a great story for readers.

You'll find this series with my guests informative and entertaining and not a stuffy lecture in a dusty, old classroom with a professor palavering on and on and on. No jeremiads here!

Click here to visit the first in the series by historical romance author Rosemary Morris. Her blog post is an overview of the 5 W's in her romance stories. Then enjoy reading all of the guests' blog posts every Wednesday in March. Return in May to meet more authors and discover their books and the 5 W's in their stories.

If you are a traditional or self-published author of mysteries, romance, and/or suspense, please contact me to be a guest this summer. Email me at jqrose0 at gmail dot com. Thank you!


Melanie Crouse said...

This word describes my daughter! She's so very dramatic in her lamentations. I wish I had a great way to deal with it, but alas...
<a href=">Melanie's Stories</a>

J.Q. Rose said...

Melanie, you made me laugh. I have a daughter like yours--maybe I'll say--I'm tired of your jeremiads. LOL...

Juneta key said...

I had not heard that before and such an interesting etymology too.

Heather Erickson said...

unfortunately, Jeremiads often end up losing friends and being avoided. I tend to respond to them that way. It's one thing for someone to go through a rough patch, but some people have constant drama they dredge up to keep the cycle going.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Juneta, I'm finding one of the perks of doing the A to Z Challenge is learning new things. I'm having a ball doing research on these words.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Heather, yes "constant drama" are the key words here. Some folks thrive on the drama. Thanks for stopping in.

JEN Garrett said...

I know a Jeremy that fits that description exactly. I never realized that his name literally has etymology roots in that kind of personality!
The great thing about this Jeremy is that even though he does tend to feel put upon, he also has a real gift for helping people laugh in almost any situation.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Jen, I never put Jeremy together with Jeremiah. Interesting connection to his personality!

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