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Pronounced puhl-kri-tood
physical beauty; comeliness.
I know. I know. Pulchritude is NOT a word that makes one think of beauty. I mean, really, it’s an ugly-sounding word. Maybe that’s why I fell in love with it? This word was an eye-opener for me. The first time I heard it, the disbelief of its meaning grabbed my attention and fueled my curiosity about words. How many more odd words are there like this? How many “50 cent” words could I discover? This was the first word that fascinated me, but I don't know exactly when I heard or read the word.. I was hooked on being a Word Nerd after this.
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Mark Twain's quote |
Do you remember the first word that hooked you into being a Word Nerd? Was it a word or a whole story or book? Or perhaps a person you admired was a Word Nerd? Please leave your comment below and let us know your experience. Thank you.
I love words. I can't think of the first word that made me fall in love with words, but I remember reading Jane Austen when I was younger and needing to look up the word "pedantic". I remember that feeling of "wow. That word describes Mary so well!" I think of her every time I see the word in real life.
Melanie's Stories
Melanie--I can understand getting that wow feeling about a word! True Word Nerds, I'd say.
I guess the first word that made me run to a dictionary was sycophancy. Something about the word itself is as annoying as its meaning. The next word I really loved was Epicharikaky.
P is for Perfection
Hey, JQ. I think I read the word in a historical fiction--one of those old timey bodice rippers. It has a sleazy meaning to me, associated with hookers. Don't think it's limited to that. When you first said you were doing this every day, I thought, yee gods, that's a lot. LOL But, you've come up with great words. :)
Hi VARAD, Now that word would be perfect for the E post! Never heard of it. Will look it up. Thanks for letting us know about the first word you ran to the dictionary to learn its meaning.
Stuart, I agree. Ominous does sound, well, uh ominous.! wink wink
Thanks, Marsha. I appreciate you popping in on the blog. I'm kind of embarrassed at how much I must be annoying subscribers with daily emails about the new post. Trust me. It won't be daily in May!!
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