Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Birthday Giveaway, Meet Mr. Tweeble's Dog Jingles #MFRWHooks

Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story Blog! 

Today we're celebrating my birthday week by giving away prizes! Nothing makes me happier than to give gifts, so add some joy to my life by signing up to grab a gift from the Birthday Grab Bag!

Let's Celebrate My Birthday Giveaway
May 23-31
Let's rock it today and enjoy the time together. 

YOUTUBE VIDEO-Kool and the Gang Celebrate Good Times--Come On!

Here's the Birthday Grab Bag loaded with gifts for you.

📘COUPONS for mystery suspense eBook, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard
📙PAPERBACK COPY of Romantic suspense, Dangerous Sanctuary
📗FOR WRITERS--PDF COPY of Romance and Mystery Authors on Writing:
Helpful Tips on the Writing Process, Publishing and Marketing
📚PDF COPY-Quick Tips on Vegetable Gardening


3 WAYS TO ENTER to win one of these prizes: 
1. Leave your name below in the comments box
2. Like my Facebook page and FB message me or leave a comment
Click here for my FB J.Q. Rose author page.
3. Email me--jqrose02 at gmail dot com  

On June 1,  I'll grab a gift to send you via FB Messenger or email. 
Print books will be sent via snail mail US only.
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Book Hooks Blog Hop 

Today we're also joining in on the Book Hooks Blog Hop sponsored by the MFRW Authors Blog. Each participating blogger shares an excerpt from their book. I'm sharing from my latest mystery/horror book, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard. (One of the eBooks stashed in the Birthday Grab Bag.)
Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose

Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed? Investigating mysterious murders? These are not the usual calls in a Florida retirement community for volunteer first responder Jim Hart.

EXCERPT: Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J.Q. Rose

Mr. Tweeble woke up with a start when his dog Jingles began barking loud enough to wake him even if he wasn’t wearing his hearing aids.

“Jingles! Jingles! Hush up, will you? It’s three o’clock in the morning. You’re going to wake the neighborhood with your barking.”

He remembered Jingles barking and whining like that when he drove his electric scooter near George McConnell’s house that afternoon. He had finally picked up the feisty terrier and put him on his lap to join the other curiosity seekers near the house. The dog jumped off and raced the other way until he was brought up short on his leash and howled until his master turned the cart around and left the area.

Jingles’ pitiful yowling broke into Mr. Tweeble’s memory.

Fearing his dog was sick, Mr. Tweeble rolled himself out of bed, fumbled putting on his glasses, and shuffled into the kitchen. Using the night light in the hood vent over the old stove to see the dog, he discovered the animal scampering back and forth near the back door.

“Jingles, come ‘ere, boy. Are you sick?” Mr. Tweeble picked him up and gently held the dog close to his chest. He switched on the ceiling light and studied the precious face he dearly loved. He checked Jingles’ brown ears and his brown and white furry body for any injuries and then cradled him to his rotund belly.

“It’s all right, little guy. Come on. Come on to bed with me. You must want to go out to chase a rabbit, eh?” As he slowly shuffled his way back to his bedroom with the dog, he wondered what was wrong. Mr. Tweeble made a mental note to check behind the couch for an “accident” in the morning.

He lay down on the rumpled bed and enfolded the trembling dog in his arms. Suddenly Jingles wriggled free and sprang up barking non-stop. He leaped from the bed and raced out of the room. A flash of searing yellow light filled the room blinding Mr. Tweeble, and the smell of his own scorched flesh burned his nostrils.
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BACK OF THE BOOK:  Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed? Investigating mysterious murders Not the usual calls for first responder Jim Hart. He expects slip and fall accidents or low blood pressure emergencies in his retirement community of Citrus Ridge Senior Community and Golf Resort. The ghastly crime scenes turn the winter time fun into a terrifying season of death and mystery when the authorities cannot track down the predator responsible.

Jim and his wife Gloria could escape the horror and grief by returning to their northern home, but concern for their friends and residents keep them in Florida. With the entire community in a dither over the deaths, the Harts participate in the normal winter activities of golfing, dancing, and pool parties with their friends to distract them from the sadness and loss.

Can Jim and Gloria work with the authorities to discover who or what is killing the seniors on Sunshine Boulevard and stop the increasing body count?

CLICK THE BUY LINK to purchase Terror on Sunshine Boulevard at major online booksellers.

REMINDER--You can win this book in my Birthday Giveaway, so leave a comment below, FB message me or send an email to enter!! Thank you.

Click below to participate in the Book Hooks Blog Hop. Enjoy meeting authors and reading excerpts from their books!


Lisabet Sarai said...

Great excerpt!

Happy birthday, J.Q.

Janet Lane Walters said...

Happy Birthday. Enjoyed the book when I read

Kris Bock said...

Oh, I hope the dog is all right! Are you on Twitter? I couldn't find you by your author name.

Holly Bargo said...

Cute name for the dog!

Kayelle Allen said...

What a cutie! Of course he's not the villain. :) Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Kris hopes the dog is all right. Me, I'm worried about Mr. Tweebles.

Helen Henderson said...

Happy birthday from one Gemini to another.

Christine Young said...

Happy birthday, hope you have a great day.

Lyndi Lamont said...

Gret excerpt. I figure Mr. Tweebles is dust, but hope Mr. Jingles got out the doggie door in time. What a cutie.

Lyndi Lamont said...

Oh, and happy birthday!

Linda McLaughlin aka Lyndi Lamont

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and a great excerpt! I can relate to living in retirement homes. We have fire alarm test but no drills. I can see the delay in getting out.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you Lisa, Janet, and Kayelle for your happy birthday wishes. You've already made it a great birthday for me by stopping in today!

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Kris, No, I'm not on Twitter. I was in the early days of Twitter, but too many odd people there. LOL. I have chosen not to tweet. I appreciate you searching for me.

J.Q. Rose said...

Hi Helen, Thank you and happy birthday wishes right back at ya'.

J.Q. Rose said...

Holly at Hen House Publishing--love that name of your publishing house. The dog's name, Jingles, just popped in my head when I first thought of the story. It seemed perfect for him.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes Christine, Lyndi, and Lisa. Really appreciate your stopping in and leaving comments.

J.Q. Rose said...

Ed, Kris, and Lyndi--You know I can't reveal how Jingles or Mr. Tweebles are doing or if they're done! This is a Book HOOK blog hop. I hope I hooked you!!! LOL

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Lisa Lowe, for the birthday wishes. I didn't realize they didn't have fire drills at a retirement home. Maybe for the staff? I should have given a bit more background on the story. It takes place in a manufactured home/double-wide trailers community in Florida, so Mr. Tweeble is on his own as far as escaping the burning home. And you know how those trailers burn up in an instant. Oops, I don't want to reveal what happens here. LOL Thanks for leaving a comment.

Helena Fairfax said...

Happy birthday week, JQ! I thoroughly enjoyed Terror on Sunset Boulevard, and your post has reminded me I still haven't left a review. I'll get on to that straight away. I loved it and I never guessed the mystery! I hope you are planning on writing more. Have a lovely birthday!

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Helena. So happy to know you loved the story and even happier to know you couldn't guess the culprit! A review would be appreciated. Thanks.

BWL Publishing Inc. said...

Happy Birthday week J.Q. What a fantastic way to celebrate your birthday, and how generous to share it all with your readers. Wishing you a year filled with health, happiness and mega book sales. Jude

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Jude!

YK Agency said...

All your hard work is much appreciated. Nobody can stop to admire you. Lots of appreciation. Pet friendly Hotels in Spain

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