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IWSG Blog Hop---the first Wednesday of every Month. |
Hello and welcome to the Insecure Writer's Support Group Blog Hop!
What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter.
Alex explains the group's purpose is "to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!" You're invited to become a member of this supportive group.
The group blogs the first Wednesday of every month. The list of bloggers is always available so you can hop around to the author blogs filled with humor, advice, and thought-provoking topics on writing and publishing. You can find the list of participants at Alex's IWSG page.
Today is my turn to co-host this fantastic blog hop. My fellow hosts are--
I hope you'll take a minute to stop by and visit their blogs and catch some more of the posts by such a diverse group of bloggers.Today is my turn to co-host this fantastic blog hop. My fellow hosts are--
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IWSG Question for the Month |
May 2 question - It’s spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?
I'm subject to spring fever, but not the kind where I just sit and daydream. In the spring I get a mad obsession to clean--to clean out closets, scrub the blinds, shampoo the carpet, wash windows inside and out, open up the house and let the fresh air blow through. This season does not inspire writing. I have to be up and doing except when the spring showers fall. Then I like to be quiet and read.
I'm subject to spring fever, but not the kind where I just sit and daydream. In the spring I get a mad obsession to clean--to clean out closets, scrub the blinds, shampoo the carpet, wash windows inside and out, open up the house and let the fresh air blow through. This season does not inspire writing. I have to be up and doing except when the spring showers fall. Then I like to be quiet and read.
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Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology
The clock is ticking...
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Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime IWSG Anthology |
Can a dead child’s cross-stitch pendant find a missing nun? Is revenge possible in just 48 minutes? Can a killer be stopped before the rescuers are engulfed by a city ablaze? Who killed what the tide brought in? Can a soliloquizing gumshoe stay out of jail?
Exploring the facets of time, eleven authors delve into mysteries and crimes that linger in both dark corners and plain sight. Featuring the talents of Gwen Gardner, Rebecca M. Douglass, Tara Tyler, S. R. Betler, C.D. Gallant-King, Jemi Fraser, J. R. Ferguson, Yolanda Renée, C. Lee McKenzie, Christine Clemetson, and Mary Aalgaard.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these eleven tales will take you on a thrilling ride into jeopardy and secrecy. Trail along, find the clues, and stay out of danger. Time is wasting...
$14.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 204 pages, Freedom Fox Press
Mystery & Detective (FIC022000) / Crime (FIC050000) / Thrillers (FIC031000)
Print ISBN 9781939844545 eBook ISBN 9781939844552
$4.99 EBook available in all formats
Tick Tock links:
Tick Tock Mystery Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ TickTockMystery/
Tick Tock Mystery Blog - https://ticktockmysteries. blogspot.co.nz/
Coming Up in May on the Focused on Story Blog
Coming Up in May on the Focused on Story Blog

Wednesday, May 9--Reflections on the A to Z Challenge and Book Hooks
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The 5 W's Guest Author Event continues! |
The Five W's Event Returns with Guest Authors and prizes. Meet new-to-you authors and favorite authors and discover great reads!
May 16--Janet Lane Walters
May 30--Helena Fairfax
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Terror on Sunshine Boulevard book cover selected for Cover Wars.
Terror on Sunshine Boulevard book cover selected for Cover Wars.
I'm thrilled to announce my mystery, Terror on Sunshine Boulevard, is battling in Author Shout's Cover Wars this week. If you have time, take a peek at the competition and vote for Terror on Sunshine Boulevard if you like it the best. Thanks to cover artist, Michelle Lee, for her eye-popping book cover! Click here to vote. Voting all week through Saturday. Thank you.
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Thank you for visiting!
Be sure to return every Wednesday for more fun, discussions, and information.
Good luck with the cover wars.
Spring is too busy with releases anymore so I don't have time to write. I miss it though.
I hope your cover is successful JQ. So happy the IWSG Anthology is finally out.
My spring fever runs along your lines too. Just too happy to be outside for writing.
Thanks for co-hosting.
That is a fab cover, good luck :)
Oh, and if you run out of things to clean, feel free to pop over to my house...
Congrats on the inclusion in the anthology! I wish I had your kind of Spring Fever but I just want to get outside and breathe in fresh air that doesn't frost bite the lungs! Thanks for taking time out to co-host!
He-he. Sounds like we suffer from the same ailment in spring :-) Good luck with the cover wars!
Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions
Same. Spring just makes me wish I’d written more in the winter because now there’s too much to do! Enjoy the fresh air blowing through. That’s one of my favorite things.
You can come clean my house then.
Good luck with the Cover Wars.
And thanks for co-hosting today!
Thanks so much for co-hosting this month :-) Heading on over to vote for your cover.
BTW, just sent you an email about the 5Ws post.
Cheers - Ellen
Good morning J Q. Spring cleaning feels so good! The sun makes me so much busier too. Congratulations on the release of your new mystery. I will hop over to vote on the cover shortly :)
My messy condo needs your spring fever cleaning! Good luck on the cover contest--I voted!
I get the urge to clean in the spring too. Might be because my mom comes to visit for my son's birthday! :) Thanks for co-hosting and good luck with the cover wars.
While I'm waiting for a critique, I plan to read all the books. But when school lets out in a few weeks, I doubt I'll get anything done. Thanks for co-hosting this month!
Now I feel really lazy thinking about your housecleaning. Maybe I should do a bit of that too. Thanks for co-hosting. I'm looking forward to reading the anthology.
When you finish tidying up your place, I could use some rug cleaning and the closets? Well, that's just too ugly to explain.
Congrats on going from A to z in 2018! I have to admit I missed not doing it, but this wasn't the year for me. Mayby 2019.
I can see why your cover was selected. It's amazing. I'll pop over and give it vote.
Thanks for co-hosting today. Great post.
Hey, at least you're productive. Cleaning is definitely of value. Want to come clean my carpets? They really need it. ;)
You have a much better attitude than I have about the spring cleaning! I do it all, but only because it's the servants and a lady's maid's year off. :-) Great cover! Good luck with the contest. And thanks for co-hosting today.
Good luck on cover wars! I get antsy about spring-cleaning, but then I happily go write, if I have time.
Congrats to all the Tick Tock authors!
Oh gosh, I'm the same way. I'm already into the spring cleaning! It's time to clean up and throw out and declutter!
Great cover! What an ingenious way to combine sunshine and terror with those colors. Like you, cold and rainy weather is the best way to stimulate my writing. :-) Thanks for co-hosting this month!
Forget spring cleaning. Wish I had your ambition. I'd rather sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Good luck on the cover war.
I totally understand the cleaning vibe. Those things can be distracting to the writing process.
Thanks for co-hosting!
I wish I got so obsessed with spring cleaning. So does my house. :)
I'm with you sister. Spring is the hardest time to write. ;-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
I never really got the spring cleaning thing, to be honest. Good luck in the contest. It's a great cover!
Hi, J. Q.! Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG today. I enjoyed your informative post. Spring always pulls me outdoors, and when I'm inside I'm spring cleaning with the best of them. I can't wait to get the windows opened up and the fresh air blowing through. All the best to you as you make your rounds today!
I'm like you! It must be how I was raised. When the fall weather starts to change over, I find myself doing spring cleaning on those days when it's rainy and gross out. The temps are perfect to air out the house.
Thank you for co-hosting!
I hate cleaning, however, there have been times I have experienced it but not this year. If I get antsy in spring I want to get out of the house, not write.
I LOVE the cover and I voted for it, J.Q. I'll be sure we're connected online and I'll follow your blog. And by the way, I get sudden urges to clean the whole house--including closets and attics--too. I love spring!
Great, eye-catching cover. Good luck in your Cover War.
I never have an urge to clean, alas. I need to catch that fever bug.
Oh, wow! With your desire to spring clean, could you come on over to my house? I'll cook for you!
Thanks for the visit, and the shout-out for Tick Tock, not to mention hosting!
My IWSG Post
Brilliant cover design. I liked it so much, I voted for it. I admire your spring cleaning energy. Interested in cleaning our sailboat (and home) I'll entice you with chocolate chip cookies. Thank you for co-hosting this month.
Spring is a time where I have the hunger to read more and I indulge myself. However, I still write.
Wishing you all the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
Spring is not a good writing time for me. My brain usually gets sluggish around this time. It's why I take blogging breaks after April and all through the summer. Helps to replenish my creative reservoir to buckle down on other writing priorities.
Thanks for co-hosting this month.
I'm with you- spring makes me want to clean and refresh. It's not the best season for writing!
Ooh, I used to hate it when my mom made us kids do Spring cleanup every year. Such bad memories!
Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG bloghop!
Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG this month!
Well, it's autumn my end of the globe... so no spring cleaning at the moment.
Good luck with the cover wars, JQ!
Writer In Transit
I am right there with you with the sudden urge to have things spotless. It has been a struggle to get my writing done. Luckily, I have some deadlines which are keeping me on track (mostly). Good luck in the Author's Shout Cover War!!
Hi Janet! Not sure if you're aware, but your gravatar took me to this blog: https://janetglaser.wordpress.com/ Wishing you all the best with the cover wars. Sounds like a blast! And thanks for co-hosting. :)
Spring cleaning and purging does feel good. I am prone to sit on the deck with a good book, soaking up some rays, and sipping something cold. Thanks for the shout out for the Tick Tock anthology.
I wish I had that spring compulsion to clean! My house is just a mess 365 days a year...
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
You make a good point; I too think of cleaning more than writing this time of year.
You have a lot planned for the month of May. Best of luck with all of it.
I have the same kind of spring fever. I totally relate! Thank you for co-hosting this month!
Thank you one and all for your fun comments. I am so happy you stopped and took the time to leave a comment. And I really do appreciate your inviting me to clean your house AND boat(hee hee), but I have to write sometime!!! I'll be stopping by to return the favor of your visit eventually once I come up for air after co-hosting and completing the A to Z Challenge. C ya' next month on the IWSG Blog Hop. JQ
Good news about spring cleaning obsessions--you grow out of them. Me, I can get through spring without ever getting a mad desire to clean the dust kitties from under my bed.
Spring brings so much beauty, but also allergies! I can't wait to read the anthology! Thanks so much for co-hosting this month, and sorry I'm late!
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