Thursday, August 16, 2018

Travelogue: Trip to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, Anne of Green Gables Park

Travelogue Time
Hello and welcome to the Focused on Story blog. Today I'm sharing the second part of our Nova Scotia Adventure which I originally published in July 2015. Part One covered the south shore of Nova Scotia. We had such a great trip that summer in June-July 2015, I decided to re-post the video, in case you missed it. I hope you enjoy tagging along with us in Part Two. If you 'd like to watch Part One about the Southern Shore of Nova Scotia, click here.

In this episode of the travelogue, we continue driving through the Pudnico area to visit a turn-of-the-century Acadian Village, up into Prince Edward Island to see the *actual house with green gables made famous world-wide by Lucy Montgomery's series, Anne of Green Gables, and a drive along the PEI National Park shoreline. Gardener Ted and I are anxious to get  the tour started. Let's go!


* To see more photos we took at Green Gables, please visit my earlier travelogue on the Green Gables Park on the J.Q. Rose blog. 

Thank you for stopping in. Please leave a comment below about a road trip you've taken. Sign up to follow this blog so you don't miss out on more travelogues coming up in August!

Update August 15,2018: I plan to share our June 2018 trip to England and Amsterdam with you. I'm working on figuring out what pictures to choose for the presentation. Stay tuned!

Connect online with J. Q. Rose


Helena Fairfax said...

Hi JQ, I remember your visit to Nova Scotia. I'd love to go there some day! Anne of Green Gables was one of my favourite books as a child.
Really looking forward to seeing your photos of England and Amsterdam. Hope you've been enjoying the summer!

S. L. (Sandy) Carlson said...

Been there. Loved it. We went to PEI before the bridge. Went onto it on one quaint ferry and off on the queen of ferries. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Marsha said...

What a fun post, JQ. So impressed with your video skills. Also you have a great voice for doing these. Lower pitched, soothing, and easy to understand. We talked about going into Nova Scotia on our Fall Maine trip, but looks like there's way too much to see on a drive up and back. We'll have to study the map a bit more. I've shared. :)

Juneta key said...

Loved seeing Anne of Green Gables house. That is a place I would like to visit one day.

J.Q. Rose said...

Helena, thanks so much. We had a great trip to Canada. And we are so fortunate to enjoy a fabulous trip to England and Amsterdam this summer. You made the Yorkshire area a highlight! Yes, summer is racing by.

J.Q. Rose said...

You're welcome, Sandy. Sounds like it's time to visit again.

Susan Bernhardt said...

Love Anne spelled with an E. We've also been to P.E.I. and all of the Anne sites. Enjoyed the trip tremendously. I bought an Anne doll. If our youngest son has a daughter, she will get it along with the Anne of Green Gables book set.

Great vacation post, J.Q.

J.Q. Rose said...

Thank you, Marsha, for your kind words. It's fun to narrate these videos, but it takes time to learn how, then remember how after you've done one! LOL..Yes, you should probably make NS a destination and save a lot of time to enjoy the area.

J.Q. Rose said...

Oh, Juneta, visiting the home/farm certainly takes you back to Anne's time. Loved everything about the place--except the crowd. I wanted to be there just by myself (oh, yes, and maybe Gardener Ted) to luxuriate in the surroundings. I hope you get to visit someday.

J.Q. Rose said...

Susan, I was so tempted to get a doll too, but we didn't. Whoever receives the doll and books will be the lucky one! Glad you enjoyed the post!

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