Tuesday, August 6, 2019

IWSG Blog HopSummer Fever

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IWSG Blog Hop---the first Wednesday of every Month.
Hello and welcome to the Insecure Writer's Support Group Blog Hop! 
Always on the first Wednesday of the month.
What is the Insecure Writer's Support Group?
Founded by author Alex J. Cavanaugh, the Insecure Writer’s Support Group offers support for writers and authors alike. It provides an online database, articles and tips, a monthly blog posting, a Facebook and Instagram group, Twitter, and a monthly newsletter. To find out more, click this link:  Insecure Writer’s Support Group

The purpose of the group is 
* to share and encourage. 
* Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. 
* Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. 
*It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 
You're invited to become a member of this supportive group. Click here to sign-up to join.
I'm spending time with my ten-year-old granddaughter this week, so I'm re-posting a popular IWSG blog post from Summer 2016. Just for fun.

Happy IWSG DAY!!

Writing is Easy...
Spring fever interferes with my writing. So, after the Memorial Day holiday and school closing for the summer, I will be dealing with summer fever. I don't recall having fall or winter fever. The long days and warm weather lures me away from my laptop, but ideas for writing stories are always swirling in my head. 
Woolly Sheep
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.com
by khunaspix

Right now I am just woolgathering. Yes, that's a real word in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It means "indulgence in idle daydreaming." I'm sure I'll discover a golden nugget in the wool to spark an idea I can use for my future forays in storytelling. 

How about you? How do you deal with Summer Fever? Have you found ways to overcome it?

Thank you for stopping in at the IWSG blog hop. Click the IWSG page here to find more IWSG bloggers to visit and an opportunity to join the group.
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The Cynical Sailor said...

Enjoy your time with your granddaughter!

Love that quote. There are times when I think blood is forming on my forehead :)

Cheers - Ellen

Sadira Stone said...

Summer's actually a productive time for me because I hate being out in the heat. My writing lair is much cooler, and there's a box of Kleenex at hand for wiping the blood from my forehead. Happy writing in August!

Marsha said...

Hey, JQ. Yes, what a great quote! I too have spent a lot of time this summer with grands, one especially. But while we were on vacation, I did some good brainstorming with her mom about the next book. Progress can be marked in small increments. And nothing is better than time with family. :)

Diane Burton said...

Enjoy the time with your g'daughter. Soon she'll be too busy. That's what I tell myself when I take time away from my writing to play with the grandkiddies. Love the quote.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Have fun with your granddaughter!

emaginette said...

Believe it or not, I'm more exhilarated by spring and autumn. Summer is too hot and winter is pretty cold. Spring brings new growth and inspires me how the world is reborn. And autumn is brilliant with color and crispy cold that a sweater and fix. hehehe

Anna from elements of emaginette

Juneta key said...

Great quote. Have a wonderful time with your granddaughter. Fall is my favorite time of year when I was in Texas. I like Florida all year round, but this summer has been too hot for the first time for me. So weird here to be hot at 9am, because Florida am and after dark no matter temp use to always be cooler.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm there with you in the summer fever department. I have such a hard time focusing on anything that requires I stay inside.

Loni Townsend said...

Heh. I tend to be more productive in the summer. :)

Hope you're having a blast with your granddaughter!

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